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After he left I sat down on the couch thinking what just happened....How can he say I love you and just left....I know we have spent time together....I liked him for sure but loving him never crossed my mind ..For now I just know he will come back because he promised me..

I ignored the topic and went back to my office....I want to get rid of the unnecessary thoughts of him not coming back....I started working and signed some papers when there was a knock on my door....

" Come in " I said without lifting my head...

" Finally you dare to show up at the office" it was Max....

" I was busy Max" I replied

" What important work do you have beside the office" he asked taking a seat...

" Something really important and why are you even here" I finally looked up at him

" I'm your friend Zee and it's my office too because we are best friends" he said as I looked at him irritated

" Did you just come here to distribute me with your known funny joke" I said

"How can you say something like that Zee and did I ever disturb you" he said making me chuckle in disbelief

" You are doing right now Max" I said as I continue signing papers

" Ok fine I just came here to inform you that you have a business meeting to attend tomorrow...We have to take a flight early in the morning" he said as I looked at him surprised

" Why didn't you tell me before" I said as I looked at my watch

" I.did call you but you didn't pick up and I texted you yesterday because I too got the information yesterday only" he said as I checked my phone...

I sighed as I looked at my phone...he really did call and text me but I was too busy Nunew matter and I didn't realise....

" Ok just let me finish these papers and then I will go back home to pack but for how many days " I asked

" It's probably one week depending upon the solution and investor " he said

" I can't go for too long " I said as Nunew told me he will be back soon...

" And why not Mr. Pruk" he said making me glare at him....

" Because he will be coming back" I replied

" He???" He said with lifting his eyebrow

" Nothing but can't we make it short" I said trying to change the topic

" I told you it depends upon the situation and the investor " he replied

" Ok then you go ahead I have to finish the work and go back" I said

" But before I go who is he that you are so busy and even want to shorten the business meeting " he said walking towards with a smirk on his face

" None of you business Max....and please don't tease me now....I'm going through a lot" I replied

" Zee you don't tell me anything and you say you are going through a lot but how can I help you" he said as I looked at him

" Max I promise you I will tell you everything when we come back from the business trip" I said resurring him with a smile....

Later in the evening I finished my work and looked at my thinking there would be a call or at least a text from Nunew but there was  none....I sighed as I walked in the direction of my car....

Once I reached home I opened the door and soon I felt sad and hurt thinking Nunew is not home....When he was here we would make dinner and tease each other with a lot of laughter....I went directly upstairs, took a shower and lay down on the bed....

I don't know but I was missing him like hell....I know I liked him when I saw him again and when I decided to let him live with me....I started falling more for him....I kept thinking about him...

" I guess I'm  in love with you Nu" I said...

I kept thinking about how I'm going to tell him that I have fallen for him and tell him to come back home and I drift to sleep.....
The next morning I woke up by the sound of an alarm....I woke up and took a shower and started packing my luggage....After I finished I looked at the time it was still morning and I wanted to see Nunew before i go for the business trip....

So I took my luggage and went to see Nunew....As I was driving I thought of buying him breakfast as he will not be able to take care of himself properly....Soon I reached his house and I knocked a few times....There was no response and I didn't want to call him if he was I decided to walk away but soon the door opened with him rubbing his eyes...

" Aow Nat why are you so early" he said without looking....

" Nu " I said as he froze and looked at me

" Aow Hia what are you doing here ?" He asked

" I brought you breakfast and you didn't even text me" I said

" Sorry Hia I was tired and I wanted to be alone for a while " he replied looking down..

" It's ok Nu...I was just worried " I replied

" Ohh sorry come inside Hia" he said as he realised we are still talking outside

" No Nu I'm sorry but I can't right now" I said feeling sorry

" Sorry I should have asked you first" he said looking down

" No it's ok actually I kinda have to go before I missed the flight" I replied

" Where are you going Hia and for how long" he asked as soon as I told him

" I have a business meeting to attend and I guess it's for a week" I replied

" Then why are you here you have to go to the airport Hia" he said making me smile

" Nu I actually came here to meet you and my baby before I go because I will miss you both" I said as I hold his hand

" Ohh" he only said that

" Nu can I touch before I go" I said pointing at his cute baby bump

" Ok but I guess the baby is sleeping" he replied with a little chuckle

I got down on my knees and then touched the baby down...I slowly caressed and brought my face close to the baby bump...

" Good morning baby....I'm really sorry if I can't spend some time as I have some work but I promise I will come back healthy and don't disturb your Mommy as he is easy to sulk and pout" I said as I looked at Nu as he slapped my shoulder slightly...

" Hia I don't pout and sulk...and I'm not Mommy" he said as he pout cutely

" See baby your Mommy is pouting again and don't give him a hard time" I said as I slowly got up .

" Hia you can't say something like that to our child...he will be spoiled" he said making both of us freeze at his work....

" Ok bye Nu take care" I said breaking the silence....

" Take care Hia" he replied as I went back to the car...

I looked back and saw he was still standing at the door and I thought of something and ran towards him...

" Hia what happened" he asked worriedly when he saw me ran

" I forgot something Nu" I said

" What is it Hia?" He asked as I lean and kissed him on the cheeks...

" I'm going to miss you " I said as I walked away...

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