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"Hia" I called him but he still didn't looked at me and keep mumbling something...

" Hia can you please look at me?" I asked as I grab his hand...

He looked at me as tears star to fill his eyes...I guess this is the first time I saw him in tears...I pull him closer and hugged him....I was about to move but Hia hugged at tightly as if he doesn't wanted me to go anywhere....

" Nu don't you remember your Hia" he asked me as I remove the hug...

"Hia I'm sorry" I said

" Why are you sorry Nu" he asked

" I'm sorry I was joking around with you but I didn't know it will turn out like this...I just wanted to tease you... I am really sorry" I said as I hung my head feeling guilty to hurt Hia...

" Nu you are alright happened to you right" he asked me..

" No Hia I was just joking around nothing happened " I replied trying to hold my tears...

He was not even mad....He didn't even scold me for joking this harsh but instead he asked me if I was okay...I don't know if I deserve him but I know he will always care for me...

" Nu don't ever joke around like that...You have no idea how much I was scared thinking something happened to you and our baby" he said making me feel more guilty...

"I'm sorry Hia...I shouldn't have teased you like that and I'm really sorry that I forgot about our baby for sometime...I should be careful with the baby" I replied as tears start to fall...

" Nu it's not what I meant...I just doesn't wanted to lose you nor our baby....You are very important to me and as for our baby it's the only thing that connects us more" he said as he hold my hand..

"Now come on stop crying and give me a smile.... sadness doesn't suit you " he said wiping my tears...I then gave him a small smile....

" Nu...." He said as I humm in reply

" Do you mind if I lay on your lap" he asked making me freeze as I blink

" Can I?" He asked me again as I simply nodded...

He then lay down on my's a little bit uncomfortable as my belly is big but I don't's look really cute....He rubbed his nose on my belly whispering something...

" What are you doing?" I ask as he snuggled and whispered something

" I'm having a conversation with my baby" he answered

"And about what you are talking?" I asked

" It's secret" he replied giggling

" Then I will ask my baby when we are alone" I said

" Aow it's can't just hear someone secret" he said pouting which is really cute..

" But it's not someone's our baby" I replied

" It's not fair" he said making me giggle

" So will you tell me yourself or I ask my baby?" I asked

" Fine I will tell you" he said pouting cutely

" I said if my baby comes to the world it will be really lucky not because the world is beautiful but my baby will find the world best Mommy and the world most beautiful person" he said making me blush at his word...

How can anyone not fall in love with him if he is being this perfect....

" are too much....and I already told you I'm not a Mommy" I said pouting

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