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" Our baby?" I said as he looked at me crying...

" It's our baby Hia" Nunew said again...

I'm really confused right now...First I don't know why Nunew is saying it's our baby and who the hell is Hia??....There are lots of things going on inside my mind right now...But I have to focus on Nunew right now...

" I will find the truth later" I thought as I wiped his tears and hugged him...

After we were done we followed the doctor and sat in the office...We were waiting for the doctor to say something when he wrote something in the paper...

" Mr. Chawarin I gave some medicine...take it everyday" the doctor said...

" What are these medicines for?" Nunew ask

" It's for you because you are stressing yourself too much and not taking proper care of yourself " the doctor replied

" Is my baby ok" he asked immediately

" Yes for now it's ok but you have to take care  of yourself and rest properly " doctor replied

" I will make sure to take care of him" I replied holding his hand...

We then got up..took the medicine that Nunew will be having and then I took him to the car ...

" Can you wait here for a minute I will be right back" I said

" Where are you going Zee? " He said confused

" I just forgot my phone inside" I lied...

" Ok but come back fast" he said and I nodded...

I went back to the doctor's office because I wanted to know something...I knocked a few then went inside...

" Hi Mr. Panich any problem?" He asked

" Actually I wanted to ask something and it's kind of personal" I said feeling nervous

"If I can answer and I will tell you but it's prohibited you know" he said and I nodded

" Is it possible to check the baby DNA before birth?" I asked him

" Yes it is possible but why are you asking" he said...

" Actually I wanted to know the baby father and find him for Nunew....It's really hard for Nunew alone" I replied...

" Ok but I have to take some tests... You can bring him" the doctor said

" Is it possible if Nunew doesn't know...I don't know how his partner will react" I said..

" Ok bring him tomorrow because I have a meeting to attend abroad and I won't come back for 1 month" the doctor replied...

" Thank you so much doctor " I said and went back to the car...

" What took you so long Zee?" Nunew asked me

" I wasn't able to find my phone" I said and started the car..

" Then did you find it?" He asked me...

" Yes I did" I said and started driving

After sometime I saw him sleeping and found his hand on his belly...I found it cute as he was trying to protect the child...

" What are you hiding Nu" I thought as I drove...

We reached home and had our dinner...After we were done I asked him for a movie to which he excitedly said yes... We made ourselves comfortable on the sofa....Then in the middle of the movie I thought of something...

" Nunew" I called him as he hummed in reply without looking at me...

" Can I touch your belly?" I asked making him shocked

" My belly" he said as he pointed at himself

" I'm not exactly talking your belly but the baby" I said

" Ok" he said shuttering with a slight blush

I went on my knees and slowly put my hand on his belly...

" Hey baby I wanted to tell you something " I said as Nunew laugh

" Zee the baby can't reply right nor can he hear you properly " he said as I frowned

" But still I will try " I said as he giggled

" Ok as you wish Zee" he said

" Baby I know you are healthy and growing beautiful inside but I want to request something from you"  I said as Nunew looked at me with curiosity

" Don't make it too hard for you Mama as he is always stressed about you and he is a little too weak right now " I said as Nunew looked at me with tears in his eyes

" I'm not that weak Zee" Nunew replied

" I know how strong you are but right now you are weak and you have to take care of yourself" I said

" Ok Mr.Zee Pruk Panich" he said making me giggle...


I saw how he didn't remove his hand from my baby as we continue to watch our movie...After the movie ended we both were really tired and I saw really sleepy..

" Zee can we go to sleep now" I said

" Are you tired do you want to sleep?" He asked me as I nodded

We went upstairs to the room and as I was about to go inside he called me

" Nunew we have to go the hospital tomorrow " he said

" Again but we just went to the hospital today" I asked in confusion

" Doctor said you needed some test" he said..

" Ok tell me when you want to go " I said

We bid goodbye and went inside the room and sat on the bed..

" Hey baby...I'm really happy right now...I got to meet you today first time and I hope I get to see you more before you come into this world " I said as I place my hand on the belly

" You know your Daddy was really happy and he was crying when he saw you...I really hope when you come I can see Daddy carrying you and playing with you" I said as I lean on the bed...

" Good night baby...I hope you grow really healthy" I said as I sleep...

Next day we went to the hospital as Zee said..I did some rest as he waited for me patiently.....We then went shopping for the baby and spent our time going for a drive everything and I sometimes go to Nat cafe when Zee was busy with meetings and his work...

I'm in my 6th month now and he could come home and caressed my belly and talking with the baby...I found him cute doing that...He will surely be a great father....But nowadays he has been upset and more like ignoring me  and I thought of talking to him but then I saw him sitting on the couch with an envelope on his hand...

" Zee i want to...." I wasn't able to finish what I wanted to say when he interrupted me..

" Why the hell did you lie to me Nunew?" He asked almost like yelling...

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