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As the morning sunlight hit my face I woke up without getting annoyed because today is a lucky day or a dream come true day...I was waiting for this day and I guess I got it... I just hope that i won't make myself a fool in front of him...

I moved out of bed and went to take a shower and get fresh up...I took my time to enjoy and have a nice shower and got dressed up with a little makeup so that I don't look like a walking dead....

I went downstairs and was going to drink some waters when a message pop up...

" Hey are you ready yet? Zee texted me

"Yes... Why are we going now?. " I asked him

" Yes because it's a little long journey " he replied back

" Ohhh ok " I replied short

" Are you ok with that?" He asked me

"Yes I'm totally fine with that" I replied...

" Then I will be there in 15 minutes " he texted back...

"Oh shit 15 minutes what I'm going to do" I thought myself...

I immediately call Nat because I'm freaking out....After a few ring he picked up...

" Hey jelly~~~~" He said with humming

" I'mfreakingoutplzhelpme" I said in once

" Hey slow down....breathe first and then tell me what happened???" He said...

" I'm freaking out Nat...plz help me...." I said

" Why what happened "? He said

" I'm going on a date with Zee and he will be here in 15 minutes and I don't know what to do?" I said

" Just wear your dress the one we bought and try to be more of yourself.... don't make any jokes because you are really bad" he said...

" Ok² be more of yourself....and...oh plz Nat my jokes are not bad" I replied pouting...

"Ok and good luck jelly and I hope you enjoy" he replied shortly before I put my phone and went upstairs to change

After 15 minutes I checked myself at mirror and a message came and I knew he reached....I quickly replied and went downstairs grab my purse and phone went outside.....

And he was here looking all handsome....I went up to him and he looked at me from head to toe....I was feeling more nervous now....

" You look beautiful" he said with a smile

" Thank you and you look handsome" I replied with a giggle....

" Shall we go?" He asked

"Ok but where are we going?" I asked walking towards the car

" It's a surprise" he said opening the door of the car...

" A gentleman huh!!"" I said with a smirk but he didn't reply just a smile...

We talked for a while and listened to some music until we's was a beautiful restaurant.... We walked made our way to the table which was not many people where there in the side....

" I reserved a corner table are you ok with that?" He asked me while walking up to the table...

" Actually it's really more comfortable than sitting in the middle" I said with a giggle

" Ok then I hope you enjoy our date" he said

We ordered some food and had some conversation with some music in the background while waiting....We were looking at each other for a while until there was a waiter clearing his throat...We looked at the waiter and I felt shy and move my head to other direction....

" Sir could like to have some wine?" He asked both of us and we both nodded....

We sipped our wine and then came out food which I happily enjoy.....While I was eating Zee suddenly starting laughing....

" What happened?" I asked with confusion

" Nothing" he said trying to control his laugh

" Tell me" I whinned with a pout

But then he suddenly stood up from his seat and came near me....we were too close to each other and I can feel my heartbeat going really fast.......I closed my eyes and I can feel his breathing near my face...

" You have some sauce in your face" he said wiping my face...

" O..h.. tnk" I said shuttering

" Ok but why did you close your eyes?" He said while taking his seat

" Nothing" I said blushing

" Hmm ok" he said with a smirk on his face...

" Stop teasing" I pout...

" Should we order some desserts?" He said changing the topic

" Ok then I will just walk up the washroom till it comes" I said walking fast...

I reached the washroom and went inside and came back to wash my hand.. suddenly I started feeling dizzy...I clutch the basin and try not to fall...

" I guess I had too much wine" I thought

I washed my hand and face a little then fixed my clothes before walking back to the table...I saw Zee smiling when he saw me and I smiled back but before reaching the table my legs felt weak and my vision got blurred and it blacked out...I just heard Zee saying...

" Nu wake up... what happened?" He said...

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