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Silence was filled with just the sound of their breathing in the car...Neither of them wanted to start the conversation...It was a lot more uncomfortable compared to the first time they met....Sometimes between their nervousness breathing their eyes met each but just for seconds....

After a long drive with silence they reached their destination.... They both didn't wanted to leave not until Zee thought of breaking the silence as he was thinking maybe this will be the last time they will be seeing again each other and he doesn't wanted to have the lingering feelings again.....Nunew was about the leave the car when Zee spoke


"Nu....I mean Nunew....." Zee said nervously

"Hmm....." he replied turning his body around

"I....umm...I...." I shuttered...

"Why I'm even shuttering when I'm talking to him..." Zee thought

"What happened Zee?" he asked with a cute smile

"I was thinking if you can give me your number?"..... I asked feeling nervous

"My number?"....he said confused

"Look I know our first meeting was unexpected and its uncomfortable to have any conversation but I want to have fresh start like a friend if you don't mind".....I asked looking down somehow feeling nervous.....

"What if he say no?"

"What if he doesn't want to be friend n start over again" I was lost with question lingering around my head until I heard him call my name....

"Hey are you okay.... I have been calling your name" he said

"I'm sorry but what were you saying?"....I asked coz I didn't heard him

"I said I'm fine with starting again" he replied giving me his phone

"Then I will txt you....n you can reply anytime you want its not necessary to reply as soon as possible" I said

"Ok then good night and thank you for the lift" he said leaving the car

"Good night" I replied

But as soon as he left the car and starts walking towards his apartment I realized something and stopped him....

"Here" I said giving him a bag

"What is this?" he asked with confusion

"It's the pastries I bought" I replied

"Aaow but are you giving me your pastries?" he asked

"I thought you won't be having anything now and anyways I don't like sweets" I replied

"Ahmm ok and thank you so mch" he replied with the cutest smile

"Then take care bye" I said walking back to my car....


I went inside my house and I surely know I was blushing... I kept the bag he has given on the table and went upstairs to change.... I took shower, change my clothes and came back downstairs.....I went to kitchen to make myself some food.... I opened the fridge to see what can I cook but my fridge is almost empty because I haven't gone for shopping for a long I order something and went to couch and sat there waiting for my food to arrive...

"Should I asked if he reached home?.... I asked myself

"But he said he will txt me so lets just wait....

I was busy scrolling when suddenly my phone rang and its Nat.....

"Hello jelly" I said answering

"Are you ok?" he asked

"I'm fine but what happened?" I asked

"Nothing I just wanted to know if you really reached home" he replied and I know why

"Yes and I order myself some food so don't worry I'm fine"...I said assuring him that I'm going to eat soon

"Ok then but tell me who was that man who drop you and by the look on your face I know for sure you both have met each other before" he said and I know for sure that he will freak out once I tell him

"I will tell you tomorrow and my food is here so bye jelly"... I said and cut the call because he won't leave me unless I tell him the truth....

I took my food and started eating while my eyes were fixed on the paper bag on the table....

Will it be ok to be friends with him.????

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