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Its been 5 months already....Hia told me he wanted to shift at the new house which I had to accept....When he proposed to me I said yes but we didn't got married as I have to take care of my baby kuea...Its not that I don't want to but my baby seems to be very clingly to me and Hia...Its was just once when I have to go out leaving kuea with Nat because Hia forgot some files at home and he wanted it immediately, so I had to leave kuea and rush at his office....I reached his office and went directly to his office because Hia told everyone to not ask any question when I go directly to his office...I knock on his door and he told me to come...I went inside and saw his working...

"Hia...." i called and he looked at me

"Thank you Nu and I'm sorry to call you this urgently" he said he walked towards me

"Its ok Hia" i said as he pulled me into a tight hug

"I missed you" he said as i chuckled

"But you have just left 1 hour ago Hia" i replied as he pulled away from hug

"Its just that i don't want to separate from you and my baby" he said pouting

"Then complete your work and come back home" i said as i caressed his cheeks

"Ok but where is kuea?" he asked

"He was sleeping so i called Nat and told him to take care of him" i said he suddenly grab me by my waist and pulled me

"So its means we have time" he said as he smirk

"I have to go back before our baby wakes up" i said as he grab my nape

"Just few minutes" he said as I smile and nodded...

He was about to kiss me when my phone buzzed making me stop....i took out my phone and saw Nat calling and i know where its going to lead...i show the phone to Hia and he gave me a big sigh....i then picked up the phone and immediately pulled away from my ears....its very loud and i put it on speaker

"Damn Nunew your baby is going to call the cops on me" he said as i can hear my baby crying

"What happened Nat?" I asked

"He woke up and starting crying non stop" he said in panick

"Did you gave him milk" Hia asked

"I gave him his milk which he threw away and even all the maids tried to make him stop crying but he is not stopping" Nat replied..

"OK Nat just wait a few minutes and i will be there" i said and soon he cut the call...

"See your spoiled baby doesn't want to stay with anyone but me only" i said to Hia

"Its not my mistake that he want only you" he replied

"Ok then I'm going....see you in the evening" i said as he kissed me and i replied to his kiss...

I left the office and came back as soon as possible...I can hear my baby cry loudly even outside the house, so I had no choice to walk but to ran immediately....Once I reached I saw Nat trying hard to stop kuea from crying...I walked to him and tapped his shoulder...He turned and gave me a big sigh..

"Finally" he said and plopped on the bed..

"I'm sorry" I said and walk towards the baby crib

"Its ok no worries" he said and closed his eyes

When my baby saw me he immediately stop crying and sobbed in little....I picked him up and when I turned to see Nat he fast asleep so I went downstairs with my baby....I held my baby as I take seat in the sofa...

"Why did you cry so much kuea?" I said as I wipe his tears

He snuggle into my chest more as If he was sniffing me...I chuckled at his behavior as he is the same as his daddy...Hia too snuggle into my body and sniff when he hug me...I called the maid to make him his milk while I played with him....After sometime the maid came back and gave me the milk which I feed my baby while he was laying in my lap.....after he finished his milk he went back to play with his toys while I looked at him and do nothing but adore....how can I be this lucky with having both of them in my life...my love and my baby..... I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw him crawling towards me...I guess he is tired with all crying and playing...I picked him up and let him snuggle at me after sometime he slept and I went back and put him back to his crib...I went back to make dinner as it was already time....and Nat already went back when he woke up and we had a little talk....

I was making dinner when I suddenly felt a strong arms around my waist...I just let him as I continue making dinner while he put his head on my shoulder and rested his head...

"When did you came back?" I said without turning

"Just when you were cooking and humming" he said as I smile

"Why do you have to be snicking around your own house" I ask him as I chopped some vegetables

"Because the devil will wake up and I don't want him to ruin my small moment of peace that I get with you" he said as I turned and looked at him...

"Did you just called kuea a devil" I asked him as he chuckled

"Yes because he doesn't give me any moments to be with you" he said as he pulled me and was about to kiss me but the very wrong time kuea started crying

"See this is what I was talking about" he said as he sigh to which I giggle

"Go take shower while to finish making dinner and bring kuea" I said as he walked upstairs lazily...

I continue cooking and after I finish I continue with kuea food....after sometime I saw Hia walked downstairs with kuea on his hand....as soon as kuea saw me he wanted me to carry him...Hia sigh and gave kuea to me...

"Why can't he stayed a little more with me" he said as we walked towards kitchen

"Maybe because you always talked to him about your boring work when he was in my womb" I said as I take seats

"I guess he hates me....look at him how he is staring at me" he said as I looked at kuea..

"Kuea don't looked at your Daddy like that" I said as kuea looked at me and smile....

I was about to stand to bring the dinner but Hia stop me said he will be doing...which is quiet a surprise as he always want to play with kuea while I bring prepare the table and serve the food...but I didn't said anything and let him do....I feed kuea while Hia feed me and he himself eat his dinner...after we were done Hia took kuea and went to play with him while I wash the dishes.... Its really silent when I was done with kitchen and went back to room when I saw Hia sleep on the couch while Kuea on the top...I smile and tapped on his shoulder and he woke up and I took kuea and put him on the crib... I went to take shower and came back when i saw Hia was still awake and a bit nervous....

"Why aren't you asleep Hia" i asked as he looked at me...

He tapped the bed as i walked towards and sat....he took the towel from my hand and started drying my hair.....i lean on his shoulder while he rubbed softly....

"Nu..." he called me making me humm in reply....

"What do you think about wedding" he asked making me froze....

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