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We finally got into front row and we were waiting for the concert to start
I was looking around at everyone as they were wearing the bands merch an screaming tom an bill.

I looked over at mandy doing the same thing as I looked down at my cup of beer and started sipping from it slowly.

We were outside and it was a little chilly.

The band finally came out and fans hands went up and were screaming like world war was about to start. I downed my beer as one of the people next to me threw there hands side ways an hit my cup out of my hand.

"fucker" I muttered to myself as I looked up on stage catching the eye of the guitarist swaying my hips slowly feeling a buzz come onto
me because of the drinks i drank before I left the hotel.
I threw my hands up grinding with Mandy as it started raining and I looked up at the lead singer because he honestly looked like a majestic fairy.


Then I looked over at the guitarist as he was focused on playing not noticing biting my bottom lip softly before mandy laughed and pushed me a bit
"cant notice but you drooling over tom" she yelled over the people.

concert finally ended and people left as the vip went backstage but i was like soaked an my shirt was almost see through.

"first impression on the band guys an i look like a whore mandy" i sighed

"oh trust me tom will love that" she smiled
I gave her a what the fuck look crossing my arms over my tits waiting in line.

"NEXT" a security guard yelled
"any louder an my ear drum might fall out" I said rubbing my ear"

Mandy dragged my arm up as she was almost screaming hugging all four of them.
I smiled awkwardly looking at them as one of them checks me out head to toe but mostly on my chest.

I ended up grabbing his chin lifting it up
"if it helps any, i don't have a clue who any of you are" i smile

"that makes it a hundred times easier" the one with the dreads said. and the blacked spiky hair hit him in the arm an apologized.

I stood in between him an the other one. as we took a picture feeling a hand on my ass looking up into the dreads eyes accidentally biting my lip softly smiling.

"what's your name" i asked watching him bite his lip piercing.
"tom and that's bill an George an Gustav" he simply said.
Mandy looks like she's having a hay day with George.
"hey would you mind meeting us in the back in an hour" tom asked biting his lip.
I just nodded because I was about to fall to my knees.

Mandy grabbed my arm running off smiling like her face was about to fall off


She looked like a ghost
"wait how?" she asked
"tom invited me" i said as i walked through the crowed with her
"wait tom invited you?" she questioned surprised
"yeah he did why?" i questioned back
"you can't sleep with him you know" she said stopping me from walking.
"Mandy i can do what i want plus i didn't wanna come to this dumb concert" i said pissed off now.
"he sleeps with every girl he sees an you wanna be another one of them lexi?" she said annoyed
"i'm not looking for a husband mandy, i'm horny and it's raining an also hungry now i'm thinking about it" i looked up at the raining sky

"you can't sleep with him" she said pissed back
i looked back down at her
"watch me mandy"
she looked at me in disbelief an started storming off to the back
"how are you gonna be pissed off at me when your litterally taking me up on the offer and how do you know georgy boy don't go sleeping with his fans mandy." i said following behind

"because he's polite" she yelled walking faster
I laughed a bit as we got to the back an hour later seeing the band.

"tom you are not sleeping with lexi because your a whore even though i love your music your not nocking my best friend up or giving her an std" she said as soon as she seen him

the other band member gave him an oh shit look.

"so your the reasons she's here, might I say thank you while your at it?" he came back

I wide eyes the argument an watched them argue before she tried physically hitting him

I got pushed into bill his body catching mine.

I turned around apologizing frantically as I grabbed mandy pushing her back, grabbing a black marker from gustavs hand writing my number on toms shirt before pulling her fully away from the band.

Didn't see that one happening.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now