In the dark

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"Do what" He softly said not letting me go"I'll runaway" I whispered as he pulled away a little

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"Do what" He softly said not letting me go
"I'll runaway" I whispered as he pulled away a little

Our breathes were inches apart his nose was touching mine

"Really" he whispers breathing inches away from my lips

I nodded
I wasn't sure if I was making the right choice but i'd do anything for him to protect him

"Yeah" My voice grew shaky as he cupped my face in his hands pressing his lips against mine as he pushed up against me softly

"I love you" He whispered into the kisses not stopping
"I love you to" I whispered back against his lips

I ran my fingers threw his hair as our kissing grew a lot more than what it was before
He pushed me against the wall gently as he kissed me

I wrap my legs around him as he picked me up not breaking the kiss

I never wanted this moment to end with him

We couldn't really breath
We were breathing each other in

He lifted me up from the wall and walked me over to the bed laying me down as he laid over me
He lifted my shirt off of me and undid my bra throwing it to the side
He slid his pants down as he leaned down kissing my lips then my neck trailing down to my tits

"You ready" He whispered as he sucked on one
of my tits
"Yes" I bit on my lip saying it quietly

He pulled my sweat pants down with my panties

He was being really gentle though

I wrapped my legs around him as he got on top of my slowly sliding himself into me making me arch my back up as my tits pressed against his chest now

He placed one of his hands on my face as he looked me in the eyes thrusting himself into me slowly
He started growing into me as I looked back into his eyes

I inhaled as he looked at me
He gripped my tit with his free hand as he forced himself into me deeper making me whine but moan quietly

His eyes never left mine though
His grip on my face was a bit tighter though

"Fuck" He whimpered squeezing my tit as he sped up not being able to keep a slow pace

I gripped the sheets next to us as I squeezed my eyes close now

He slid his hand from my tit to my thigh now keeping my leg wrapped up around him
He thrusted faster and harder

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now