fate maybe

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I woke up on the couch the next morningTom wanted me to sleep in his bed with him so I told him I would but when he fell asleep I got up to sleep on the couch

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I woke up on the couch the next morning
Tom wanted me to sleep in his bed with him so I told him I would but when he fell asleep I got up to sleep on the couch

I sat up slowly stretching and yawning looking over to see bill rubbing his head leaning on the counter
I smiled

"Hey bill" I scared him because he jumped and sped talk in german
"lexi don't do that and what happened last night" He walked over to me sitting on the other side of me so I laid my head back on his lap wrapped in the blanket that was on the couch

"Well you said you had a date" I said before i was interrupted
"No i mean after" He snapped rubbing his head
"Some guy brought you home and wanted to hookup with you and he wouldn't leave so tom punched him and scared him off" I smile to myself
"Oh and me and tom took you to bed and tucked you in" I added

"Oh how sweet of you two what happened with you guys lastnight any fighting?" He questioned
"No actually not" I replied as Tom walked out of his room rubbing his eyes with only his boxers on
He seen us and came over to the couch so I lifted my feet up as he sat down and I placed my feet on his lap

"You scared my date off I heard" Bill looked over at tom now
"No he had it coming" tom replied in a groggy voice now looking at me
"You slept on the couch" He asked squinting at me
"I told you there's more to us then fucking and we're gonna figure it out" I said
"So sleeping in my bed with me is the same as fucking" Tom questioned being interrupted by bill

"Well if I was her I wouldn't wanna sleep in a bed full of sperm worms either" Bill laughed as tom threw a couch pillow at him

"A man needs to do his deeds okay" tom said

"Well i'm glad you guys are actually acting like adults now and getting along for the first time" Bill smiled

Tom looked at me grinning
"Wont be to long because people mistake her as a child" Tom said

I kicked him
Bill and tom laughed
"I'm still older than you" I rolled my eyes

"By one year don't count" Tom said

"Let's have a family day" Bill said clapping his hands and starts playing with my messy hair

"Isn't Heidi coming back today" I asked

Tom nodded as he man spreaded getting comfortable as he held my feet

"Should we wait for her then" I asked

"We can depending on what time she's coming" bill looked over to tom
"I'm not sure to be honest" Tom said leaning his head back on to the couch
I look down at his adams apple then down to his abs

Bill put his hand over my eyes
I whooshed his hand away looking up at him

"Fine stare all you want" Bill whispered laughing

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now