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TOMS POVI woke up next to lexi letting her sleep

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I woke up next to lexi letting her sleep

I got up and got dressed quickly finding my brother
"Bill I need you to watch over lexi until i get back" I said walking to the front door
"Where you going" He said watching him
"I'll be back" I left in an instant throwing my hat on as I got in my car
Bill ran to the door yelling
"DONT DO ANYTHING DUMB TOM I SWEAR" Bill shut the door locking it

I drove down to the police station
I parked and got out being followed by fans already

I open the door walking in
"Welcome" Once of the staff welcomed me
I ignored it walking to one of the cops
"Did you see the video?" I snapped looking at him holding his donut
"Son what video" He said

I took my phone out my almost very cracked broken phone out showing him the video

"When was this" The cop said putting his donut on the desk

"Two nights ago" I said inpatient now
"I need you to find the girls who did this to her or Ill find them" Tom said giving the cops a look
"How would we find them we don't even know what they look like" They replied looking confused
"Locations, go to the coffee shop and get the footage from them when they did this in the alley way" I said getting pissed off shoving my hands in my pockets,
"Fucking track them down, that's what cops do right?" I asked shaking my leg now

They nod and look at each other
"We have the money but you have to do your job first" I said leaving them on that
I got back in my car and drove down to the coffee shop down from my house

I parked and got out
Flashing lights were everywhere
"Tom tom tom is the girl okay , how are you" I just walked inside the coffee shop walking straight to the counter

"There was a girl who came in here two nights ago for a coffee and she was alone" I said looking at the person
"She got jumped and I need the footage from your camera so I can find out who did it" I said crossing my arms

"Oh you know her.." the girl said looking at me
"Yeah I do" Waiting for her to get me the footage

She gave me a little device that held
the videos from that night
I thanked her and walked out ignoring everyone getting in my car and driving back to the house

I walk inside
I speed walk to the laptop on the kitchen table and open it plugging the device in looking up at bill as he walked towards me

"So?" He asked sitting next to me
"I have the footage" I said under my breathe as it downloads into my laptop

"Wait are you sure you wanna go through with this" Bill asked looking worried
"yes" I said in a low voice watching the clip start playing from where the girls bump into her

I watched her defend herself as I smiled watching that then I seen the next part
I mean I seen the girls faces
But I don't know who they are

I ended up accidentally punching the laptop screen making it break As I seen the ending and hearing my name
They did this because of the sex tape

"Hey can one of you find out who those girls were" I yelled at the security guards
"Tom you broke the screen they can't see it"
Bill whispered to tom
"Shit" I replied trying to think as I got up

I got up leaving again quickly


I'm worried about tom.
He's always been such a indecisive person

But he's always been smart about everything so I just hope he makes the right ones

I look up seeing lexi walk out from toms room
walking towards me

"Shit what happened" She said looking over at the laptop

"Tom" I said
She sat next to me
"What?" she questioned
"He's looking for the girls who did this to you and i'm not sure it will turn out the right way" i gave her a remorse look knowing she's always worried about tom and she don't need anything else on her plate right now

"Thank you for sticking around" Lexi commented twiddling with her thumbs
"don't thank me" I told her looking at her hands
"No really all my shit has been let on you and I'm not really a good friend to you" She breathed
I tilted her head up
"No you've just been going through shit, we all do" I tell her

She smiled at me leaning over to hug me
"Love you bill" She said softy
"Love you to lex" I reply pulling away

We end up spending a lot of time on the couch together watching sad movies and eating food

It's now 8:30 at night and we havnt heard anything from tom
I get up telling lexi i'll be back

I walk over to one of the guards
"Do you know where tom is" I whispered trying not to concern lexi
"No would you like us to go track him down" the guard said
I nodded my head and thanked them

Walking back to lexi I got a call from some random number
I picked it up
"Hello?" I said walking into my room
"It's tom, bill" I heard tom say
"Where are you and why are you calling from a random number" I asked curiously
"I got arrested" He said
I can tell he was smiling from the other side from how he said it
"What" I whisper yelled
"For what tom" I added asking
"I found the girls" he simply said
"Shit tom i'll be there" I said hanging up

I walk out looking over at lexi
"Hey i'll be back i have to go run and aron real quick" I yelled walking out of the house
She just nodded and kept eating popcorn

I got in my car and drove to the jail closet by
"Damn it tom" I whispered to myself

I got out walking in
I got patted down and so forth before I could actually go back and see tom

"come on let's get you out" I said walking over to my brother wrapping my arms around him

He hugged me back
We left after I bailed him out

We got into the car
"Tom what did you do to get arrested" I looked over at him
"The cops wernt gonna do shit bill and I wasn't gonna let someone get away with sexually assaulting my girlfriend" he spat with tears filling his eyes

He was never an emotional person
I just turned the car on and drove back to the house

We get there and I park
we both got out
Tom rushes inside
I follow behind him

I mean I know love makes you do crazy things but this might be the farthest he goes for someone he loves

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now