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I close my eyes before opening my mouth

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I close my eyes before opening my mouth.
Walking up to him flopping on my back onto his bed.

"I don't know." my response was weak
"Maybe ask him" he responds after
"Bill Ive tried so many times an all he tells me is that he don't know either" I breathed

"So your my brothers mistress" he lays back with me as we stare at the ceiling.
"I think so." I sigh turning my head to look at bill then curling up on my side to fully face him

"It won't end well if we leave for three years and you and him just fuck an get each others feelings hurt" he turned back to me
"So what do I do" I pleaded with a sad face
Bill rolled his eyes at me and sat back up

"Talk to him and set your grounds straight because tom won't do it and he was forced into the engagement an they have not been having great sex so i'm sure your what he wants but when we leave he won't be able to keep it in his pants lexi and we both know that" he gave me a pitty look before getting up an walking out of the room.

Well I mean I guess i'll try to talk to him..
I get up walking towards his room an I knock on the door before opening seeing his naked fiancé on top of him making out with him

I slam the door shut feeling tears sting my eyes
Bill looked over at me from the kitchen
"what happened" he ran towards me hugging me
I cant even choke up the words to say what I just saw so I just cry against bills chest for it felt like years then Tom opens his door looking at us but my backs towards him and bills giving him a look that would probably kill someone if it wasn't his twin.

"I just want to tell you that everyone knows what's going on between the two of you and it's not okay what your doing to her tom" bill snaps letting go of me gently as I turn around leaving mascara all over his white shirt.

"i'm not gonna be your side fling tom" I whisper looking down at my shoes

"she undressed an got onto me lexi" he pleaded walking up to me grabbing my hands
I pulled away fast not looking up at him
"it takes two to do whatever the fuck you were doing" I snap walking to the front door giving bill a remorse look because I didn't wanna leave him but I couldn't be around anyone right now.

8 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛
I just lay there looking up while laying in bed. my eyes are red an puffy because I couldn't stop crying or thinking
I finally got up after eight hours of whatever that was and I grab the alcohol on my counter that was left an start drinking from the bottle as I sit down in the corner of the kitchen by the cabinets.

I grab my phone and start looking through photos of me and tom

I think bill took it but could of been Paparazzi at a party we went to or something I decided it to send to tom knowing I was half drunk I wasn't gonna hold back now

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I think bill took it but could of been Paparazzi
at a party we went to or something
I decided it to send to tom knowing I was half drunk I wasn't gonna hold back now

I ended up trying to call him a minute later
he picked up


𝐥𝐞𝐱? 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝗼𝐮 𝐝𝗼𝐢𝐧𝐠

𝐜𝗼𝗺𝐞 𝗼𝐯𝐞𝐫
I hung up after that, downing the rest of my drink before struggling back to my feet

I hear a knock on my door 5 minutes later

"come in come in" i squealed hoping it was the food I ordered
I see tom walk through my door as I look up

He had red puffy eyes and looked really tired like he's been crying for hours
We jus looked at each other before I give in and I run into his embrace hugging him really tightly
"please don't leave me" I cry whisper into his neck
He tightens his hug sobbing softly
"I have to baby" he whispers quietly
He pulls back gently leaning his forehead against mine as he brushes his thumb against my jawline
I just melt into his arms
"I love you" he whispers
I place my hands on the back of his neck making our bodies as close as possible
"I love you too" I cry into my whisper

"One day I'll come back and make sure everyone knows what we are and who you are because you will be forever the love of my life
no matter who ends up next to me in the morning you will be the one on my mind" he softly says leaving a kiss on my forehead

I smile a bit to what he says
"will we get married an have kids tomy?" I look up at him letting my drunk thoughts take the best of me
He just gently nods while we cry into each others arms
"even when we're on tour love i'll think of you" he comments now brushing his nose against mine gently

We ended up passed out on my couch with my head on his bare chest
Being woken up to beating on my door
I jump up in reflex to tom holding onto my waist as he hears as well

"come in" I softly say as i yawn looking back at tom totally forgetting they have to leave
Bill, george and gustav and his fiancé walk in

Bill just smiles at us as does george and gustav.
"morning sunshine's" bill says looking at us still half asleep
"morning my favorite twin" i giggle as tom gives me a look an a playful push

"sorry to ruin the moment but the plane leaves in an hour" gustav comments
"yes baby get up and get ready" toms fiancé snaps putting her hands on her hips as she smacks her gum

I look up at bill then tom with tears in my eyes

"this is it" i say with a crack in my voice
"come here love" bill said with a sadness in his voice
I got up giving him the biggest hug ever still wearing toms big shirt an boxers

Toms fiancé and george an gustav said she's meet them at the airport as we were left here
I guess tom wasn't really feeling it
"i'll get going" he smiled down at me before giving me hug an leaving
I look up at bill
"Take care of yourself yeah?" I told him
"Of course lexi" He kissed the top of my head
"You think your ever gonna see me again" I questioned
"without a doubt even if it takes years" He quickly says

And with that they were all gone
no more me an tom late nights or conversations with bill or watching the band perform
I sat on my couch an just balled my eyes out while they were on a plane about to have the change of their life's.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now