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It was the day

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It was the day.

No one was here besides tom
He was still sleeping
I gently moved his arm off of me before getting up

I walked out of the room and bill was gone from the couch

So I checked all over the house but he was gone.

I walked to the kitchen and made some coffee before walking to the shower to start it up

I got into the shower after turning my playlist on

A couple minutes later after washing my hair I felt an arm snake around my waist making me jump
Tom pulled me back into him kissing my neck

"Tom you scared me" I said as he laughed
"I know that was the point" He replied
"How rude" I huffed playfully

Then he pushed me over against the wall grabbing my waist and pulling my ass back into him

"I can make it rude" He grinned rubbing one hand up my back as I'm arched
"Prove it" I smiled placing my hands against the wall
"Your sure you can take it" He questioned grinding his dick between my ass
"I take it everytime don't I?" I reply

He instantly pushes his dick down into my pussy sliding it in and out as he held onto his dick teasing me

"baby- please" I whined getting tired of it

He gripped the back of my neck holding my head against the wall as he started slamming his dick into my pussy instantly making me moan out his name loudly

"Take it" He whispered leaning over my back and into my ear as he didn't let up on his roughness
I whined out for him to stop but he didn't

He slapped my ass hard and gripped it pulling it apart as he watched himself slow his strokes down as his cum and mine ran out of my pussy

He turned me around gripping my neck and kissing me a bit rough but passionate
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed

"Baby" I muttered into his kissing
"Hm" He replied
"I took it" I smiled against his lips making him grin again
"You have no choice to" He said smiling against my lips before pulling away making me look up at him

We finished the shower and got out
He wrapped a towel around his waist and I wrapped a towel around my body and hair after I dried off

I heard a knock at the door

"I'll get it" Tom shouted as if he wasn't right next to me

"What are you doing here" Tom said a bit loud making me walk to the front door
"Baby who's this" I ask him as I walked up to him grabbing his hand
"Real question is who's this" The man says

I look over at tom who looks a bit nervous

"Don't involve her in this okay?" Tom ask looking at the man
"Your suppose to be with my daughter right now" The man snapped
"Yeah but i'm not i'm with my actual soon to be wife" He smiled down at me but looked back up at the man standing in my doorway
"How did you get this address anyways" Tom added
"Don't worry about it" The man said before pushing his way into my house
"HEY! this isn't your home" I snapped

He quickly grabbed toms neck slamming his back into the wall making me jump

"TOM" I screamed watching it happen

I tried running over to him but I got pushed down

Tom was literally being choked out right now

"Don't touch- - Tom got cut off by the man squeezing his neck tighter
"You have no choice but to move to another country if you wanna stay alive tom" He breathed heavily with an angry face

I was in tears

"Let him go" I shouted as I got up
"And for you i'd advise you to never see tom again" He turned his head towards me making me breath heavily into my cries

He threw a right punch into my wall right next to toms head
I winced for him

"Baby!" I cried out not being able to do anything about it

He dropped tom walking out of my house

Tom grabbed onto his neck as he fell to the ground
I ran to him quickly kneeling down by him as I cried
"Tom" I whispered looking at him
"Did he hurt you?" He breathed out
"What" I asked him confused on why he's worried about me when he almost just got killed

He sat up

"Did he hurt you" He looked more worried putting one hand on my cheek

I quickly shook my head as I looked at him

"Good" He said pulling me into his embrace
I was trembling against him from how scared I was
"It's okay baby we're gonna get out of here" He whispered into my ear knowing how scared I was

I just nodded

We both got up and he walked to the front door
closing it and locking it like something just illegal didn't happen

I waited for him to walk back to me before we both walked into my room together

"Who was that" I asked taking my towel off and putting a shirt over myself and some sweatpants
"Heidi's dad" He said doing the same
"Baby he can't do that to you" I snap turning to him now
"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, he knows where you live" He replied to
me walking over to where I was cupping my face in his hands making me look up at him now

"We're gonna get out and live a better life" He said before kissing my lips gently

He pulled away grabbing a bag of his clothes
I threw some clothes in a bag and followed him
out of the house closing the door behind me

"Tom where are we going?" I asked
"Just follow me" He said grabbing my wrist and making me follow

We ended up at a bike

"please tell me this isn't what we're taking to leave" I asked looking up at him now
"Oh come on let a guy live his dream" He smiled
"Since when did you know how to ride one of these" I questioned
"Since a couple years ago" He smiled kissing my forehead before putting a helmet on my head
"Is this safe" I ask as he straps the helmet up on my head
"Yes because your with me" He replied doing the same to his helmet now

He got on and told me to sit in front of me
I did what he told me and sat up on the bike in front of him

He started the bike up as I held onto the bike and he started riding away

Bye L.A


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