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We finally got back to California
We got out of the airport

paparazzi were already swarming us wanting to know why we wernt on tour still
I pushed the camera out of my face walking past them

Bill followed along with george and gustav

I called the security guards asking what hospital lexi was at before hanging up

I start running to the hospital
The rest wernt able to keep up but I texted them letting them know where I was when I finally got there

I ran up to the front desk asking the lady what room lexi was in

I heard alot of ruckus coming from down the hall
I squinted my eyes and held onto myself as my body ached

Tom was standing in the door way with tears in his eyes
"Tom why are you here" I said with a shaky breath
I didn't want him to know about this
It's honestly embarrassing

He just stood there choking back on tears as he looked at me
I wanted to get up and hold him but I couldn't move

"Tom?" I whispered looking at him

"I'm so sorry-" He choked on his tears
"Is there something I don't know" I said wanting to cry
"You don't know?" he walked over to me sitting on the side of my bed searching my face then looking at my bruised naked body

"I don't want you to see me like this" I felt a lump in my throat as I looked away from him

"Everyone has seen it baby" He whispered in tears now
"No.." I whispered in more tears feeling myself start panicking and shaking a little bit
"Please tell me it's not true" I turned back to look at tom as I balled my eyes out in front of him

"Baby who did it" He cupped my face in his hands searching my eyes
I shook my head closing my eyes as tears ran down my face

"I'll kill them" He whispered with no emotion
That's the scary thing
He would

"They won't get away with this" He added
I just wanted him to hold me

"please hold me tom" I choked up opening my eyes

He looked really concerned as he gently wrapped his arms around me

"I'll never leave you alone again" Tom whispered into my neck

"I just wanted coffee" I whispered to him still crying
"Coffee?" tom asked pulling a way a little looking at me

I nodded as he wiped the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs
"What coffee shop beby" He softly said looking at me
"The one down the street from your house" I said softly

Tom called the security into the room telling them to go check the footage on the cameras so he can find out who did this

"I wanna go home" I looked down at his hand
"We'll get you out and home so you can be comfortable" Tom said softly kissing my cheek before getting up and looking down the hallway getting everything sorted out

He lifted me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom helping me take the gown off
He took his shirt off and put it on me

He lifted me up again and we left the hospital
He walked all the way home with no shirt on

That caught a lot of people's attention
Mostly because i looked beaten which I was

"your suppose to be on tour" I said holding onto his neck with my limp arms
"Tour means nothing to me right now baby just let me take care of you" He said as we walked inside the house

He walked to his room holding me and I seen bill and gustav and george
They decorated the room with my favorite things
I started crying again

Tom layed me on the bed
"We'd choose you any time over being on tour" Bill said walking by my side gently grabbing my hand
"We all care about you so much" George added
I couldn't stop crying now
Bill took me in his embrace not letting go until I stopped crying
George and gustav has to go home to their wife's now that they were home

"I got it from here" Tom said as bill left the room
He pulled up his desk chair to sit by the bed next to me as I laid on my side looking at him

"We're in this fully you know" Tom said looking back at me
"I fully agree" I smiled

"I'll have the videos taken down" He said leading his arms onto the bed

"How?" I asked
"Police" he answered

I nodded
"Can you lay with me" I moved over making space for him
He got into bed with me placing his hand on my hip
"Are you mad everyone see me naked" I asked looking him in the eyes
"What no it wasn't your fault lexi" He placed his hand on my cheek

"Guys people on socials are saying how this was taken to far and that should of never happened" Bill stood by the door on his phone

"It won't ever happen again" Tom commented keeping eye contact with me
Tom got up lifting me up again
"Be careful" Bill spat watching him
"I'm not doing anything wrong" Tom said back walking to the bathroom getting me a shower ready

Bill walked out into his room and laid on his bed
Tom tried taking my shirt off of me making me flench
Tom stopped an backed away
"You don't think i'd hurt you do you?" He softly said
"No no tom i'm sorry I'm just embarrassed for you to see me" I whispered
"Your gorgeous baby" he slowly walked over to me again kissing my lips gently
I lifted the shirt over my head an seen him stare at my bruises

I took my panties off watching him grow with anger

He took his clothes off helping me into the shower and washing me up cleaning me off

"I'm capable of cleaning myself you know" I looked at him
"Yeah but I'm gonna be here for you now" He replied
I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck as we stood under the water

We eventually got out and he helped me get my clothes on

I was honestly really fragile but i didn't wanna show it because Tom and the boys have done enough for me already

I threw my hair up in a bun and yawned
"You tired love?" Tom asked looking over at me
I nodded "I can't sleep thought because of my concussion the doctor told me I can't" I sighed

This whole situation made another tom come out that i've never thought i'd see

I layed there
Tom didn't let me go to sleep for hours
He just stayed up with me talking about everything

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now