december part 3

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Bill didn't know who she was so he just walked straight in Tom knowing i'm like mortified right now But he didn't say anything or know why

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Bill didn't know who she was so he just walked straight in
Tom knowing i'm like mortified right now
But he didn't say anything or know why

I just followed behind tom hugging his arm tightly
We get up to the table

"Lexi oh my gosh havnt seen you in a minute" george and gustav both got up hugging me
I smile
It's true they haven't seen me ever since they left

"Did you say lexi?" Mandy asked poking her head around bill to get a look at me
"Yeah babe this is lexi" George smiles as we all took a seat
I keep my eyes low playing with toms hand
in mine
"Nice to meet you i'm bill" george brightly smiled giving Mandy his hand
They shook hands
"I'm Mandy" She replied

Tom introduced himself as well but didn't bother shaking her hand
Mandy looked over at me
"lexi" she smiles
"Mandy" I kept my voice low now looking up at her
"Wait you two know each other?" tom said making the whole table look between us

"Oh yeah i'm the reason she's sitting here with us right now" Mandy snapped sassily looking over at George smiling big like she just won an award
"Or maybe she's sitting here because she's banging my brother" Bill gave her a sassy look making me look over at him an making tom hit his arm

"Oh so you didn't listen to me?" She raised an eyebrow looking at me
"I told you I'd do what I want didn't I?" I snap getting pissed off now
"Yeah how's that cheek feel?" She smiled looking over at tom now
"Wait your the reason she had a cut on her face?" Tom was getting pissed as well

Bill gave me a concerned look

"Look if I wasn't a fan of you guys then neither would she be right now and you two wouldn't be banging as bill put it" She kisses George on the cheek
"One were not just fucking we're getting married" Tom said without thinking trying to get under Mandys skin
"I thought you said you were joking lexi.." Bill looked over at me
"I-" I got cut off from tom sliding out of the booth getting down on one knee as I slid out standing up in front of him giving him a What Are You Doing look.

He said my full name grabbing my hand and looking up at me

"Look I know we've had a very rocky relationship and I haven't been the best person in your life but from earlier I don't regret what i'm about to do, You have such an amazing smile, body, personality and always wanna fuck like I do but most importantly I'm actually in love with you and I don't feel forced and I still remember almost four years ago when I left and you were drunk but You asked me if we could have kids an get married and Yes I want those things so Would you do me the honors of making me the happiest man in the world and marrying me lexi" he said with a shaky voice

I'm in shock as I feel myself start crying and nodding quickly and Bill, Gorge and Gustav get up yelling and Bill was crying
I jump on Tom tightly holding onto him kissing his lips multiple times
He whispers into my ear holding me tightly
"I'm gonna do more than finger fuck you tonight" he kissed my neck pretending he didn't just make chills run down my spine

"CELEBRATION OF YOU GUYS" the band screamed jumping up and down as the whole restaurant cheers for us
I get down and hug bill tightly then George and gustav
"I have a sister in law noww" bill cheers
I smile looking back up at tom
"You look sexy in my shirt" He proudly says not caring who heard

Mandy rolled her eyes and got up grabbing George's hand an we watch as they leave

We shrug it off and Bill goes to hug tom congratulating him telling him he actually did something smart for the first time
I wouldn't call it smart because were only 20

We sit back in the booth after all of that
I look over at tom
"why'd you do that?" I breathes still smiling
"I didn't like how Mandy was talking to you so I thought I'd give her something else to talk about" He smiled a bit playing with the glass he was holding
"That's all" I watched the glass
"What you actually wanna get married? Tom looked surprised at me
I just give him a look of disbelief before getting up
"Your such a dick" I snap rushing out of the restaurant

"What the fuck did you do" Bill asked tom
"She thought we we're actually getting married" he stared at his drink playing with it still
Bill raises both of his eyebrows at tom
"You weren't serious?" He almost shouts
"No Mandy was just pissing me off with how she was talking to her" He put his drink down now looking up at bill

"This might be the last time you're ever gonna be able to call her your girlfriend tom" Bill lowered his voice
"What no it's not" Tom said
"Yeah we all thought you were being serious tom I wouldn't wanna be her right now" bill said grabbing his drink sliding over tom to get out
"I'm gonna go dance and you need to go fix whatever you just did tom" Bill said leaving to the dance floor
"You might of just ruined everything" Gustav commented following bill

Tom started taking all the shots from the table as he got up walking to the bar ordering more shots downing them
he walks out to the dance floor unconscious of what's going on now
He grips a girls waist making her grind against him
He stays on the floor for hours until he finally leaves with a girl around his arm walking home

I was sitting on the couch in the house drinking my pain away as I hear the front door open making me jump an look back
It was tom laughing with some girl in his arm making his way to his room
Right in front of me not even acknowledging my existence

"T-tom?" I whisper choking on my tears watching him slam his door closed with her

This was it.

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