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He finally got to me almost yelling at me"Are you fucking crazy letting everyone see your body like that" He looked me dead in the eyes "What? I didn't have any other clothes tom" I snapped"So you get naked" He snapped back "What the fucks your de...

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He finally got to me almost yelling at me
"Are you fucking crazy letting everyone see your body like that" He looked me dead in the eyes
"What? I didn't have any other clothes tom" I snapped
"So you get naked" He snapped back
"What the fucks your deal Your girlfriend was with you and i'm single" I shouted
"Your not single" He shouted

"Excuse you" I yelled back
"Your with me get out and put your clothes on now" He yelled grabbing my arm and pulled me out of the water making me get dressed

Again i've never seen this side to him
it kind of freaked me out

I looked up and watched him as he dragged me through the sand until we got in the car

I don't know where bill was but I wish he was here right now

"Since when was I yours tom" i looked over at him as he got in the car closing the door

"Since the day I fucking met you" He said looking at me
"I told you your all i wanted and I don't wanna see anyone looking at your body besides me" he lowered his voice starting the car

"It wasn't that serious and no one saw me and what happened to your girlfriend" I asked
"Stop worrying about everything just go with it okay?" Tom softly said as he started driving

I crossed my arms an looked out the window
refusing to talk to him


We finally got to the house
I got out slamming my door and walking inside

First person I seen was Heidi then Bill

I kept my eyes forward pace walking into the bathroom slamming the door behind me
I know I looked pissed so I wouldn't bother me either right now

Tom gets inside shutting the door looking up seeing his girlfriend and brother
"Your good at pissing girls off tom" bill said side eying heidi

"Are we done tom" Heidi asked as she stood next to bill
"I don't know" he said looking at his feet
"I'm a grown women and to be treated like this is not what i'm looking for so we are over and don't bother texting or calling again" She said as she left the house

"I'm not letting you get in another relationship with anyone else because you and lexi clearly are for each other" Bill snapped pointing to the bathroom door
"Go fix that shit because we were good" Bill added

Tom sighed looking over at the door
"Maybe I should give her a minute I did things in the heat of the moment I don't wanna be killed" Tom told him

"You care for her but if she's single then let her be happy it's not fair to her that you get how many women you've been with and she's suppose to be miserable" Bill gave a remorse look to tom

"I told her she isn't single anymore"'Tom rubbed the back of his neck looking up at bill
Bill gave tom a sharp eye then raised his eyebrow
"You did what?" Bill asked surprised

I walked out of the bathroom seeing tom and bill
I walked over to tom and slapped him across the face super hard

Man i've been wanting to do that forever
"What the fuck" tom said holding his cheek

Bill looked surprised
"Shit i'm out" He walked to his room fast shutting the door

"how could you do that to me when you know I'm in love with you" I crossed my arms
"Because I'm in love with you to lexi" He said removing his hand from his cheek now looking at me
"Your with so many girls Your not in love with me your just in love with the thought of us" I spat at him

"No i'm pretty sure it's you" He shrugged

"the whole time we were at the beach you weren't even talking to me one time"I said
"Because I was with my ex now to be" He said sighing
"Yeah well still doesn't make it any better that you did that" I said
"Doesn't make it any better you stripping an running into the ocean" He replied looking down at me
"Then do something about it" I said looking back up at him

He gets closer placing his hand on my cheek pressing his cold lip piercing against my lip
I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back aggressively

He picked me up gripping my ass
He slams me against the wall as we make-out non stop
breathing each other in
I grip his hair tightly moaning into his lips as I push myself up against his waist

He walks over to the counter sitting me on it pulling his sweatpants that I was wearing off of me quickly giving me kisses invetween as he strips the both of us

He pushes himself into me right away after we both got naked
My tits pressed up against his chest as his arm snakes around my back holding onto me tight as he thrusted fast making me moan really loudly

He whimpered into his kisses he was giving me while he thrusted nonstop

Everything went by really fast
Like a blur

We were fucking
Then we wernt.

"Fuck baby" He let out a moan as he came inside me
I leaned my head back as I kept my grip in his hair
We were breathing heavily onto each other now

He picked me up holding onto my ass as he walked us to his bedroom
He layed me down with him

We were tangled in each other looking at each others every feature on each others faces

"Your beautiful" he whispered inches away from my lips
I just gave him a gentle smile before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep
He did the same thing

We both fell asleep quickly after

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now