Hawaii cut short

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Tom sat up rubbing his eyes and stretching he looked over at me knowing I wasn't gonna be awake for awhile

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Tom sat up rubbing his eyes and stretching he looked over at me knowing I wasn't gonna be awake for awhile

Then he looked around the room hovering his hand over his mouth

"Oh shit i'm gonna have to pay a lot more now" He whispered getting up stepping over the mess on the floor to get to the bathroom

He looked in the mirror
He traced his fingertips over his chest seeing scratches from lastnight

Tom walked back to the room tip toeing over the mess trying not to wake me up
He grabbed some clean jeans from his suit case and put them on

I ended up waking up from how cold it was but I was still under the covers

"Morning tom" I whispered with my eyes closed hearing him shuffle around the room
"Shit did I wake you" He asked
I smile putting my head in the pillow
"No" I reply laying on my back now
"Just cold" I added hiding under the blanket
"Aw you need me to come cuddle you" He grins climbing on the bed and layin over the covers that's ontop of me

"owee" I groan from how sore my body was
I honestly probably have bruises all over my body
"Oops yeah you'll probably be a little sore" he laughs getting up after kissing my forehead

I giggle holding the blanket over my body as I yawn opening my eyes and seeing the mess we left the room in

I giggle holding the blanket over my body as I yawn opening my eyes and seeing the mess we left the room in

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"BABE" I yelled at him

He ran to the room after hearing me yell

"Baby what's wrong" He gave me a concerned look
"The room" I breathed out

He laughed

"Yeah probably a world breaking record for destroying a room in less then 24 hours" He smiles at himself knowing he was the reason for it

I got up throwing clean panties on and a oversized shirt
My hair was in tangles
and my body was sore

"Do I look miserable" I asked tom following him down to the kitchen
"Yes but in a good way like you just got your brains fucked out" He replied

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now