another lie

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Tom woke up looking over seeing the baby wide eyeing me as I sleep

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Tom woke up looking over seeing the baby wide eyeing me as I sleep

"Shit" Tom whispering trying to get out of bed slowly
Tobi woke up crying as tom tried getting up making tom jump and fall off the bed scraping his side on the corner of the bedside dresser

"Fuck me" He yelled standing up holding his side as blood ran down it
I woke up sitting up quickly seeing him bleeding
I got up running over to him
but I tripped over the sheets falling on my knees

"Ow, mother fucker" I yelped
Tom ran over to me
"Baby! you okay" He said holding his side and lifting me up with his other free hand

I nodded getting up and looking at his side
The non stop crying
The shit was just overwhelming at the moment

I walked out of the room holding toms hand to get away from the crying

I pushed him against the table
He sat on it pulling me inbetween his legs

"Baby I need to get the shit to cover that" I said looking at his side
"I'm fine my love" He said kissing my head
"Tom no let me help" I frowned

"Shut the baby up bro" T yelled at us from the couch
"You shut the fucking baby up i'm busy" I snapped at her
Tom wide eyed me
"Babe i'm okay" He said brushing his fingers through my hair

All I wanted was to be with him though.

"I got it" bill said tiredly getting up from the floor walking back to the room to take care of the baby

Tom cupped my face and kissed me passionately making me wrap my arms around his neck instantly
I was craving his touch to be honest

Bill walked out with the baby and got him his bottle and changed him then gave him a bath and put him back to sleep in his crib

"What the fuck just get a room" T yelled trying to sleep

I pulled back from tom a bit

"It's my house so basically it's all my room" I said pressing my lips against toms again



After I laid tobias down I walked back into the living room hearing lexi and T yell at each other

"I just put the baby to sleep be quiet!" Bill snapped

It wasn't surprising to see tom and lexi making out like that because their attached to the hip and love each other

"You slept on the floor" T said sitting up now breaking me away from my thoughts

I nodded

"Why?" She asked
"Because I wanted to it was more comfortable" I commented shrugging
"What's wrong?" she asked getting up
"Nothing T" I was getting annoyed

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now