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"Excuse you!" I almost yelled as someone bumped into me at the store "I'm sorry" A female voice came into my vision now"Heidi what are you doing here?" I ask softly "Just shopping me and tom are planning a honeymoon" She smiles"Isn't your honeymoo...

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"Excuse you!" I almost yelled as someone bumped into me at the store
"I'm sorry" A female voice came into my vision now
"Heidi what are you doing here?" I ask softly
"Just shopping me and tom are planning a honeymoon" She smiles
"Isn't your honeymoon phase over" I let out looking back at the candles
"Well yeah but we can always have more" She said
"Right" I said under my breath giving her a fake smile
"So what are you doing out?" She asked making me turn to her
"Just buying some candles" I smiled
"Yeah I would to your place smells a little funky sometimes" She replied looking in my cart
"That's weird it must only smell like that when you come over" I shrugged picking more up
"Excuse you?" She snapped tugging my shoulder to make me look at her
"What?" I questioned
"Tom will know about this" She said rolling her eyes and taking out her phone
"You do that" I say pushing my cart away from her

God she was nice I don't know when she became so annoying

I shrugged it off going to check out

"Card declined" the cash register said
"What that's weird" I reply grabbing my wallet and pulling out cash but before I could hand it over Heidi pushed me over putting her card in

"No worries you can thank me later before I leave to go on my honeymoon
"I had cash" I spat at her
"Honey no need to lie" She took her card out and I grabbed the bag
"Your stuck up" I commented before walking out

I got to my car putting my candles in my front seat as I started the car and drove to get some coffee then back to my house

I parked and grabbed my stuff and walked in seeing bill

"Hey" I said scaring him because he said something in german loud

I laugh putting my candles down and sipping on my coffee

"What are you doing here?" I ask wondering
"Oh nothing just waiting for heidi to pick me up" He shrugged
"Okay she needs to quit coming over" I snap putting my coffee down
"What happened" He turned his attention to me now
"What didn't happen" I sigh walking to my room annoyed
"You know toms-" I cut him off screaming seeing tom jump out from behind my door

I hit him in the chest

"Tom" I yelled

He just laughed and pulled me into him

"I'm sorry I had to" He said into his laugh
"What happened with heidi" He added into his laugh
"I was out buying candles because who don't love candles" I huffed
"Yes we know you love your candles" Bill yelled making me smile
"But anyways she said my house smelt funky and so i told her it only smelled like that when she was over here and she grabbed my shoulder and said she'd text you but that's not all she pushed me out of the way when my card declined and I had cash but she didn't let me pay" I breathed annoyed as I rolled my eyes sitting my stuff on the bed
"She touched you" Tom asked
"Yes that's what I said tom" I snapped
"You didn't hit her or anything did you" he said making me turn to look at him
"Are you fucking kidding me" I yelled pushing him
"That's all your worried about?" I snapped
"No it's not I just- are you okay?" He breathed walking back over to me
"i'm fine." I say
"Have you made your mind up yet" He ask
"About?" I asked

"You don't remember?" Tom asked lowly
"No why" I said now turning to him after taking my candles out
"Look I really want you to be with me lexi" He said now putting his hand on the small of my back
I looked up at him
"Oh running away with you when your rude ass" I got cut off by heidi walking in

Tom quickly removed his hand moving it to the back of his neck

"What are you doing" She asked eating a fry
"Nothing just seeing what she was doing" He replied walking over to her now

What was it about them
It was so off
From her dad to how she acts now
Was tom actually okay?

I shook it off

"After all your in my home" I commented under my breath

Tom looked at me trying to hide his laugh but kept a straight face

"Why are you being such a bitch" She snapped
"Excuse you" I snapped back
"I'm not being a bitch love i'm being myself" I added
"No wonder why tom chose me over you" She rolled her eyes

That pissed me off
That's it

"First off he didn't choose you over me. He loves me and never will stop so if I were you I would feel used. And your father who's threatening to kill him if he leaves you, yeah I should make a police report about that because he has his freedom here" I snapped making her wide eye tom now
"You told her" She said surprised
"Yeah he did because he wants to be with me" I stole her attention back making her walk towards me now

"Guys!" Bill yelled through the doorway

Heidi slapped me across the face
I put my hand over my face pushing her off of me

"Fucking cunt" I snap

I didn't do anything back because tom was there

Tom instantly jumped in pushing Heidi off of me though

"Don't fucking touch her" Tom yelled now looking at heidi

He was actually fuming

"What the fuck is your problem" Tom yelled
"What do you mean babe she was being mean" Heidi said
"No I mean your dad that you probably made say that. You forcing me to do things I don't enjoy I mean I can't even take a fucking pill for my headache and you won't let me eat what I want" He snapped now making me look up at him in sorrow now

He had his arm around me the whole time

Heidi just huffed and left the house

Bill had tears in his eyes from what tom just said

"She wasn't letting you eat?" He whispered under his breathe
"Just pretend I didn't say anything" He sighed
"No that's not okay" He said walking over to tom hugging him making tom remove his arm from me and hugging him
"I'm okay bill" He said as they hugged each other
"You better be" Bill softly said as he let go wiping his tears

Tom needed the escape. He wasn't just asking me to runaway with him for love. It was for safety and freedom

Bill ended up leaving me and tom alone in the room again

"Tom" I whispered into a shaky breathe
He turned towards me giving me a sorrow look knowing what he said hurt
"I'm sorry baby" He said wrapping me into his embrace
"Tom" i whispered into his neck now as I hugged him back tightly not letting go

I don't ever want anyone to hurt him like that ever again

"What" He asked rubbing my back

"I'll do it" I whispered

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now