a night to remember

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Tom was rubbing my hip gently as I turned around to face him "I can't sleep" I whispered"I wouldn't be able to either if I was in bed with me" Tom replied pushing the strand of hair back from my face

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Tom was rubbing my hip gently as I turned around to face him
"I can't sleep" I whispered
"I wouldn't be able to either if I was in bed with me" Tom replied pushing the strand of hair back from my face

I smiled rolling my eyes

"That's not a new look you know" Tom smiled
"Quit your so dirty" I giggle lifting my leg over his side pushing my body up against him as we lay on our sides facing each other

"What I thought that was your favorite part about me lexi" He whispered with a smile plastered on his face
"One but not at the top of my list tom" I said looking into his eyes

"Then I don't even wanna know what your favorite is" He said sarcastically trying not to laugh
"Wouldn't tell you even if my life depended on it baby" I giggled booping his nose
"Did you just boop my nose lexi?" He questioned looking at me
"I think so" I replied

Big mistake of course
He rolled over on top me pinning me down and started tickling me non stop making me scream in laughter

"TOM STOP" I squirmed laughing and almost crying
He stopped a couple seconds later laughing at me as I breathes heavily as he lifted himself up above me holding his hands on both sides of my head

"Remind me to never boop your nose again" I smiled as I breathe heavily
"I enjoyed torturing you so I might not" He said hovering over me

I placed my hands on his abs looking up at him
He leaned down to kiss me

I kissed him back sliding my hands up his body intertwining my fingers into his hair
His lip piercing pressed against my lip as we made the kissing more aggressive

he pressed down against my body as he lowered himself onto me causing my legs to wrap around his waist snaking my arms around his neck

He slid his hand up into my shirt slowly as he groaned into my mouth softly

Then he just got up off of me

"What the fuck" I whispered siting up
"What why not keep the streak of not having sex?" He grinned throwing a shirt on over his sweat pants

He knows what he was doing
I just rolled my eyes getting up

"What are you doing?" I question
"I'm gonna take you somewhere" He said walking out of the room
I throw one of his shirts on and my slippers and follow him out

I walk outside seeing him put something in the trunk of his car and he opens the door for me and I get in them he goes around getting in

We drive to some random building i've never seen before
"Baby what is this" I question
It's honestly super dark and it's raining outside so Id perfer to know where i'm at.

"Shhh just go with it" He says getting out getting a case out from the back and opening my door up for me

I get out and follow him inside

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now