the video

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Tom gets up kissing my forehead before getting up and walking to the bathroom quietly

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Tom gets up kissing my forehead before getting up and walking to the bathroom quietly

When he walks out bills standing by the door
"You know you didn't have to do it in the kitchen right?" Bill said leaning against the wall
"Oh don't give me shit this is what you wanted" Tom laughed
Bill smiled walking to the kitchen to get some breakfast

I finally wake up yawning and stretching not wanting to leave the bed because i'm really sore and comfortable with no clothes
"Tom" I yell
He came to the room fast
"What's wrong" He said turning the lights on

I instantly cover my eyes putting the blanket over my head
"Jesus christ" I yelp
He turned the lights back off laughing and climbing into bed with me
"We need to go get my clothes at the hotel and check out" I said pulling the covers down over my head
"Your staying here" Tom lit up
"Yes of course" I said smiling with him trampling me back down
I wrap my arms around his waist as he laid on me

I giggle kissing into his neck
"I'm in the mood for a quicky" I whispered into his ear knowing i'm still sore and it's a bad idea

Tom started kissing my neck right away sliding his hand under the blanket brushing his fingertips against my skin causing me goosebumps
I bit my lip moaning quietly gripping his hair that was already a mess

His fingers circle around my clit making me arch my back up a little
He knows my spots
He gently slides two fingers into me thrusting slowly making me grip onto him and moaning a little louder as I closed my eyes

He slips a third finger into me as he speeds up with his thumb staying against my clit

I bite down into his shoulder trying not to scream clawing his back up

"Anyone want breakfast" Bill asked walking in on us
"Nope i'm getting it right now" Tom said as he pushes his fingers deeper making my body squirm as I yelled out his name while bill was still in the room

"Oh my god!" Bill yelped and ran away from the room

Tom laughed pushing deeper and deeper until I scream his name and came like 4 times

He took his fingers out of me and kissed my forehead
"How's that?" He said getting up

I was just laying there now breathing heavily
"Fuck your good" I looked over at him in the dark
"You should get up now so we can go check out and get you some clothes so we don't have another incident like yesterday" Tom said walking out of the room leaving me speechless

I got up and cleaned myself off throwing some sweatpants on and a shirt again
I walked out looking at both of the boys who were bonding while bill cooked

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now