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"FOODS HERE" Bill opened the door screaming at us

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"FOODS HERE" Bill opened the door screaming at us

We both jumped
I got up forcing him to get up with me because from what bill was telling me
Tom hasn't been doing anything so the least I can do if make him eat

"Tom let's go eat" I said trying to get him up from bed
"I don't want to" He whined
"You need to eat" I grab the pillow smacking him with it
"Get up" I giggle

He got up quickly picking me up and spinning me around
"TOM STOPP" I yelp laughing
I grip onto his arms trying to get down

"Say sorry first" He says seriously
"FINE FINE, sorry tom" I pout as he put me down

I bolted out of the room as he let me go and he chased me out while I was running like a crazy person around the house throwing things back at him trying to get away

"STOP" I scream as I keep running and laughing out of breathe
Tom finally catches me and tackles me onto the couch

He's now onto of me
"it worked" I smiled booping his nose
"What worked" He looked down at me with his face inches apart from mine

"I got you up" I smile wrapping my arms around his neck fully pulling him down to hug him
He gets up while still holding me making my legs wrap around his waist

"Oh you guys are so cute" Bill squirms and laughs while eating his food
Tom looks at bill
"This was your idea because i'll chase you to" He said pointing his finger at bill like he was in trouble

I turn my head giving bill a look then laughing sliding my fingers into Toms hair

"Put her down an you two eat now" Bill directed at tom
Tom starts spinning super fast making me bury my face into his neck and hold on for dear life

Bill gets up rushing over to us
He makes tom stop
"your gonna kill the poor girl tom" He tried holding his laugh in
"That was fun though" Tom keeps his arms
and hands holding onto me tightly as he stopped
"I disagree agree" I giggle a little dizzy from the spin
Tom walks me to the counter siting me on it

"You gonna feed me big baby" I teased him
He starts unbuckling his belt before I make him stop
"TOM" I give him a shocked look before giggling
He smiled grabbing our food from the bag giving mine while he takes his

Bill walks over to us
"I have a date tonight so i better not come back to any dead bodies or any extra bodies in anyone's bed" He sassily said before walking away leaving us alone in the house

"He'd be a great dad" I thought out loud watching him leave
"What about me" Tom asked taking a bite of his food
"you would be if you could settle down" I looked down at my food and then watched tom eat
He takes his fork and puts it near my mouth
I take a bite of his food as he fed it to me

"What if i'm ready to" He asked
"With heidi?" I question
"Maybe I don't know" he shrugged and kept feeding me
"How do you not know tom" I was just glad he was finally out of his room and eating
"She's not the one I want but I also can't get the one I want" He replied finishing his food

"Who do you want then?" I curiously asked
He looked up at me smiling softly then threw his trash away
"You already know" he said in a lower voice

I got off the counter grabbing his hand and walking to the bathroom
"Turn the water on" I said pulling my shirt off above my head shutting the bathroom door

He did what I told him to right away
I turn the shower on as I finish stripping

He kept his eyes glued onto my body
He stripped after me
I stepped into the shower putting my hand out as tom took my hand and stepped in with me

"Turn around" I told him
He turned around
I put some soap on the sponge thing and started rubbing his back with it

"Are you washing my back?" He asked
"Yes because I care for you and I want you to feel better" I softly say putting the sponge down an turning him back around

I look up to him
"There's more to us then just sex tom" I said as we looked each other in the eyes

"It's really hard to not want you right now because your naked but I agree" He responds
"Maybe we just need to figure that out before we have sex then" I say moving him an standing under the running water

He grabs the soap washing my hair for me then does my body
Then he cleans himself

He cups my face in his hands gently
"You are honestly the most beautiful girl ever" he said brushing his thumb against my cheek

I place my hands on his wrist and smile up at him
"Has anyone told you that your the most handsome man ever" i replied
"I think you just did so yes" He grinned down at me playing with his lip piercing

"I wrap my arms around his neck moving his hands" I love you alot tom
"I love you to lexi alot" He kisses my forehead

I hugged him while the shower was pouring over us

We eventually got out
He wrapped me in a towel and dried off putting a towel around his waist

"Was I the reason you wasn't able to get out of your bed" I quickly asked as we walked out of the bathroom
"Mostly" he said putting his arm around my shoulders as we walked to his room to get clothes on

"I don't have panties or anything" I sighed sitting on his bed
"What you don't need those when your with me" he smiles winking at me

I threw a pillow at him again giggling

"my clothes are yours lexi" he said slipping into his boxers and turning to me to watch me go threw his big shirts and sweatpants

I found some sweat pants and a shirt
I put it on and looked back at tom

"Aww look at my little mini me" He said smiling wrapping me in his arms

Then we heard a loud bang in the living room by the entrance door
Tom ran straight to the door telling me to stay but I didn't listen

I followed him
Only to see bill and some guy with him
I run over to bill and help him up off the ground
"What happened bill" I said concerned
"He drank a little to much but he wanted to hook up so I came as well" Some guy said by the door

"You should leave" Tom said looking at his brother
"What no are you joking?" the guy said

Tom wasn't playing when it came to bill

Tom straightened up punching the guy straight in his nose making him run away
Tom shut the door and locked it

Me and tom help bill to his bed and tuck him in so he's comfortable

We stand up looking over bill
Then we looked at each other

Was this fate?

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now