Our secret

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Tom wakes up before me looking at his phone he got 10 miss calls from his brother "shit" He whispered sitting up pulling his boxers up tip toeing to the bathroom

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Tom wakes up before me looking at his phone
he got 10 miss calls from his brother
"shit" He whispered sitting up pulling his boxers up tip toeing to the bathroom

He called bill
He instantly picked up
"Where are you? Your girlfriend left hours ago upset because you were gone" Bill snapped into the phone
"Calm down bill I got called into the studio and I couldn't say no" Tom whispered into the phone peaking his head out of the doorway looking at me sleep
"Where'd lexi run off to?" He followed up
"Not sure we're not even really talking after the weird thing she did last night" He kept whispering
"She knows I have a girlfriend and she tried flirting with me" He added

"From what I saw it was equally but whatever you say and why are you whispering" He questioned
"Would be rude if I woke anyone up, was a late night we slept here" Tom saved himself
"Alright well whenever you wanna come home bring me food, bye love you brother" Bill hung up before Tom had the chance to say anything back
He put his phone down sighing as he tip toed back to me trying not to wake me up
He got into bed and back under the covers
I instantly snuggled into him laying one hand on his chest with my head against his side

Tom smiles grabbing his phone and taking a photo of us even though half of my tit is out

He kisses my forehead looking at me
"Morning beby" I said in a soft voice with my eyes still closed
"Morning princess" He smiled
"I'm gonna need to leave before you because bill wants me to bring him food and it won't look suspicious if I leave before you" he whispered
"Just make sure to stop by later" he added

I just nodded as he gave me a quick kiss and put his clothes on and left

It was like 4 hours later
I finally woke up

I reach over for my phone covering myself in the blanket
20 text from tom and a couple calls from him and a goodmorning text from bill

The text were pretty much just asking if I was okay and If i would come over
I reply to bill first then I text tom telling him i'm coming now

-Cant wait to see you!-
Was what he responded
I rolled out of bed yawning and throwing some clothes on
I walked out of the hotel realizing I don't have a car because tom drove me

I called an uber to drop me
I got out once I got dropped off walking up to the door opening it

I see bill then tom
They both look my way before bill rushes over to me hugging me an kissing both of my cheeks

I smile and hug him
"Missed you!" Bill said excitedly
"I just seen you last night" I laughed
"That was such a decade ago" he sassed making me laugh more

I shut the door behind me
"You guys wanna go get something to eat" Bill asks looking between us
"I'm kinda hungry so yes please" since I havnt really ate yesterday

"Sure" Tom simply says getting up from the couch walking over to us shoving his hands into his pocket

We act casually for what happened lastnight
But when i'm around him I honestly just want to kiss him

Bill walks out first I follow behind him an tom follows behind me
Pushing up against me, grabbing my hips
knowing bill can't see it

I quickly turn my head, pushing him off as I giggle
We get in the car waiting for everyone to get in

"So we gonna break the ice about lastnight because you both were flirting and tom said it was weird that you would do that" Bill blurted out
I look up at tom while i sit in the back rolling my eyes
"He can't keep his paws off me worth shit" I snap looking out the window annoyed
"I don't have paws" tom said
It kinda seemed like we were in an argument

"Yes you do and their dirty so how about you go clean up" I snap
"How am I suppose to do that when I'm stuck in a car with you" He answers

"See he's obsessed with me bill" I look back up at him seeing tom look back at me and wink quickly before continuing to argue with me

We finally get there an we end the argument
"It's like i have two children, act like adults" Bill snapped as we walked to a booth

I scoot in next to bill
"What no I wanna sit by bill" Tom whined
"Get your own" I snap looking up at him
"He's literally my blood" He sat across from
us annoyed

I giggle looking over at bill who has his eyebrow raised now
"Fighting over me are we?" He sassily said
"Yeah because she wants you" Tom said once again annoyed more than last time
"What can't stand seeing me with another man?" I said wrapping my arm around bills an smiling at tom knowing it would get him jealous
Tom glared at me signaling me that he was getting pissed
But what we were a secret now so gotta act like it right?

Bill smiled
"I don't wanna get in-between y'all big babies" Bill laughed now

We ordered our food an now we're waiting
"Actually you two are gonna sit by each other until this gets sorted out" He said pushing me out of the booth

"Rudeee" I sighed standing up
"Deal" Tom quickly replied
I scoot in next to tom
"Paws off" I turn to him saying before fully siting down
"What's with the paws lexi" He said annoyed

I think I was actually pissing him off
I look at bill winking at him while tom was just fuming now

I put my hand on his leg to reassure him It's not real

"So you still into Heidi?" Bill asked looking up at tom
"Yeah we're dating bill" He laughed as I take my hand off his leg now
"Just making sure she seemed pretty upset about you not being there" He said
"I'll text her now and apologize" Tom took his phone out texting her like actually in front of me

The food comes
We start eating
"Your quite lex" bill comments taking a bite of his omelet
"Just tired" I replied softly taking slow bites of my food
"Long night?" Bill smirked
"Kind of" I giggled
"met a guy at the bar took him back to my hotel" I added
"Oh so getting laid now" He winked at me
"Surprising yes" I smile pushing my plate away

"How was your night tom" I asked turning to him
"Good up late at the studio" He said looking away

We finish and go back to their place

"You know you can stay here?" Bill said walking inside
"Well I don't wanna be a burden knowing tom thinks i'm flirting when he has a girlfriend you know" I smile knowing it's getting him pissed off
"First of all you cannot stay because of that comment" Tom closed the door after saying that
"She can take your bed and You can take the couch" Bill sassed rolling his eyes
"Oh right like i'm gonna sleep in a bed with his fucking little sperm worms everywhere" I yelled out making bill laugh and Tom leaning up against the counter now

"You wanna have kids don't you?" Tom snapped with a small grin but trying to hide it
"As If I'd have your kids knowing you probably already have plenty made" I said knowing it would probably hurt him but I honestly kind of meant it

Tom just nods and walks back to his room

I wanna go hug him but I can't if we're gonna keep this act up

"You might of hurt his feelings" Bill said walking behind the counter
"I'm gonna go take a nap make yourself at home. You don't need to stay at a hotel lex" He softly said before walking into his room and shutting his door

I kinda stood behind the counter wondering what i'm doing with my life living a secret

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now