Part 4

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I wake up in a room i've never seen before I turn over to see a shirtless bill with his makeup wiped off I look under the covers to see my clothes still attached to me I calm down as I turn to bill who was still asleep

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I wake up in a room i've never seen before
I turn over to see a shirtless bill with his makeup wiped off
I look under the covers to see my clothes still attached to me
I calm down as I turn to bill who was still asleep

How'd I even get in here
And why was I in here

I just kinda look at bill sleep
Not in a creepy way but he was jus so like perfect

I remember what happened before my black out
that makes me scared to get up and see tom
I don't think I could face him

"lex" I heard a groggy voice next to me making me wipe my tears as I think of everything
"Aw come here" he whispered
I snuggled into his chest as I just cried a lot

We ended up falling back asleep in this position

I wake up with a banging head ache
Oh my god what happened
I sit up looking next to me seeing a naked girl who wasn't lexi
"fucking hell" I whisper
"HEY get up and out" I yelled at the girl
She got up scrambling to put her clothes back on and shoes
She finally left

Now where's lexi?
I put my boxers an pants on leaving my shirt off
Walking out of my room I smelt bacon and pancakes
My favorite
I get to the kitchen seeing Bill cooking an lexi sitting on the counter laughing with him

I leaned up against the doorway of the kitchen
they both turned their attention to me
"Morning" Bill says
"Morning" I said as i looked over at lexi


"Don't worry i'm moving out later today" I said lowly watching bill cook
"What no no you can't" Tom pleaded walking over to me
"Bill please don't let her" tom kept saying as his voice was cracking
I couldn't watch him break down in front of me I would of given in to him

I jumped down rubbing bills shoulder before walking outside to sit on the door step closing the door behind me forcing myself to not cry

"What did I do last night bill" tom asked almost in tears
"Well you got drunk brought a girl home while your girlfriend or fiancé was sitting on the couch watching you take her into your room to fuck someone that wasn't her but let's not forget where you faked proposed and told her it was fully fake an wouldn't marry her" Bill breathed
"Holy fuck, I'm fucked" He started freaking out
"I can't help you this time tom, i'm sorry" Bill looked at him continuing to cook
Tom shook his head and ran outside

I never smoked but I was right now
I felt numb
But tom sat next to me
"Baby i'm sorry please I didn't know" He placed his hand on my back

His touch was so comforting like
I was meant to be where he was

I put the cigarette in between my lips and inhaled
"I'm going to collage" I exhaled the smoke
"What for how long?" Tom asked rubbing my back
"Four years" i hugged my knees as I continued to smoke
"Thought we we're gonna last?" He kept looking at me I felt his eyes burning into me
"I can't do this anymore" I flicked the cigarette looking over to him now

"It was one hiccup lexi I promise I won't drink ever again I wasn't aware of what i was doing I cant do this without you baby" His voice growing shaky again
I get up throwing the cigarette
"I blacked out last night from the coke that the girl dropped and I thought it would be smart to take so I wouldn't feel anything while you were fucking a stranger, your brother put me in his bed and took care of me" I squinted at the sun walking back inside the house

As I walked inside I heard bill
"What about Christmas?" he looked over the counter at me
I know I shouldn't leave bill at all because he's my best friend
I walk towards him
"Come to campus?" I gave him a smile

"You know you don't need to leave because of tom i'll buy you a new place" Bill said walking up to me
"it'll be good for me" I smiled hugging him burying my face into his chest
He squeezed me

"Jus take care of yourself an make sure tom don't get into any shit" I pointed at him giggling
He just looked at me smiling
"You know you'll always be to good for him" He sighed letting me go
"And you'll always be to good for me bill" I smiled walking into toms room to get
my things

He was on the bed twiddling his thumbs
"You already packed my stuff?" I asked making him look up
"Yeah thought i'd do some good while your still here" he looked back down

I wanna stay and hold him and cry into his chest and hit him telling him how much he's hurt me then make up and go back to normal

But i can't anymore
"I'm sorry" he says in a low voice
"don't be relationships arnt for you it's my fault for pushing it" I walked over to my bags

He got up walking close to me
"You could of died lexi" He sounds like he was about to cry but he held himself together

"Don't worry about it i'm fine" I turn to look up at him and sigh
I walk into his chest and hug him tightly

He hugs be back not wanting to let go
I had to
"If you need me i'm only one call away okay?" tom pulled himself away
"I won't need you" I grabbed my bags and headed out

Collage here I come.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now