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Me and tom has been staying at his new house he's bought

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Me and tom has been staying at his new house he's bought

Bill hasn't been around
Not like tom and bill they were always really close

"Baby can you go get the last package" Tom yelled from upstairs
"Yeah" I yelled back going outside to get the last package to put in the house

"Babe what is this" I asked shaking the box
He took it from me giving me a peck on the lips

"For me to know and you to find out later" He grinned walking back upstairs

knowing tom it's probably a sex toy

I plop on the couch waiting for tom to come back down
"Baby can you come here" I yelled
"I'm coming" He paced down the stairs jumping over the couch and sat by me man spreading his legs
I put my legs up on his legs and laid into his side as he threw his arm around my shoulder

"We need to talk about what happened with bill" I sighed looking at him

He grew anger in his eyes looking over at the tv

When he got mad he couldn't keep eye contact with anyone

"I shouldn't be with anyone but you. Your the love of my life" He said quietly
"I know baby I know that but what about your guys relationship?" I asked

"We're growing up lex" we're still brothers at the end of the day but we also have other people in our life's baby" He pulled me closer against him kissing my temple
"I think he hates me" I looked down laying my head on his shoulder and sliding my fingers intertwining them into his

He watched me
"He's hurt but he don't hate you I just don't know why they kept it a secret" He sighed
"I do" I replied
"what?" He said
"I don't think he wanted you and me to find each other again because of how much danger I put you in and I don't bl-" I got cut off by tom pressing his lips against mine

I kissed him back smiling into his kiss
He let go

"Okay continue you just look really good" He smiled watching me

I look up giving him my attention instead of our hands now
"He didn't want me to put you in anymore danger tom" I quickly said watching his smile fade
"You think he did that on purpose?" He instantly replied

I nodded
"He said you and heidi should of stayed together because me and you arnt good for each other" I said watching his eyes move down to our hands again

"We're bad for each other in the best way, we love in a unique way and i'm not letting our fans ruin me and you or bill or your cousin" He gave me a reassuring smile kissing my cheek

"Where's my ring tom" I held out my left hand to him changing the subject
"Trust me it'll be coming baby" He smiled kissing my hand pulling me onto of his lap



it's been awhile since everything has happened
Me and T have been staying at her place so not much of a paparazzi thing going on like my brother and his girlfriend

We kind of been taking it really slow
I'm happy though

"You coming to watch this movie with me" T yelled for me
"Yeah babe be right there!" I yelled kind of pace walking to the living room siting on the couch next to her
She laid her head on my shoulder and I kissed it
We started watching the movie

"Hey do you think lexi will ever talk to me again?" I asked causing her to look up at me
"I don't know maybe, she has serious anger issues" She replied
"Yeah but I said some really messed up things to her" I said looking back at the tv

She tilted my chin down looking at me
"Listen one thing i know about my cousin she always wants closure so she will come around again babe" She told me looking back at the tv

"We should plan something to get together, it's been about a month now" I said lowering my voice as she held onto my arm

"Yeah sure" She said watching the tv again

I don't know I honestly think it's me
missing tom so much

We've never been parted this long but we are growing up and some things change
We probably will eventually get to see each other again soon if I go through with setting something up

I miss my little family.



I get off him giggling knowing what he wanted from me
"Oh come on baby we havnt did it in like so many months i'm tired of using my hand" He complained laying his head back on the couch

"Until I get my ring you better be nice to that hand" I replied sitting next to him back in the same position I was before

"It won't come in until the end of the week" He whined causing me to watch his adams apple move

I really did wanna fuck him I just couldn't right now we havnt had any intercourse since the whole beating an video's happened
I feel bad but He's been doing good honestly

I'm just not ready yet

He knew I was thinking because i according to him make a face letting him know that

He kissed my head none stop making me giggle
and pull away breaking me from my thoughts

"What are you thinking baby" He said smiling at me
"I don't know are you unattracted to me"
I looked at him with a serious face
"Is that a joke?" He replied like he was confused
"no.." I said
"Just because your not ready don't mean I won't wait" He replied

He knows me so fucking well like better than I know myself

He Grabbed a big softly fluffy blanket and threw it over us since it was honestly really cold

We ended up laying down and cuddling together
My head on his chest and our bodies tangled into each others

We eventually fell asleep with home alone on in the background playing

This was honestly really nice

Just me and tom.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now