What happened

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"TOM!!" I yelled really loud at him seeing a naked girl in bed with them

His hand was snaked around her waist and his face was buried into her neck while they slept

I walked over to him seeing him not wake up

I pushed him side to side aggressively forcing him to wake up

"what the fuck" Tom shot up from his sleeping position to now looking over at bill rubbing his eyes
"Yeah what the fuck is right" I side eyed the girl in his bed that wasn't his wife

He looked down at himself with just a blanket over his dick covering himself
Then he looked over next to him seeing the bitch
He basically shot up from the bed falling all over the place and finding clothes as he put them on quickly

"WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT" He yelled at me
"TOM YOU TELL ME" I snapped back at him

He put his hands over his head from a headache

"I don't remember anything bill" He said looking back up at me
"Your kidding right" I asked leaning against the counter
"All I remember was that you guys had a bunch of girls over" Tom replied opening the fridge
"They were prostitutes" I coughed up
"THEY WHAT?" He yelled
"You slept with a prostitute" I lowered my voice watching a lot of the girls leave
"No no I have a wife at home bill I can't fuck this up" He started freaking out into panic walking
"I don't even remember having sex with her" He added

He sounded like he was about to be in tears now

"Look just talk to lexi" I told him as I watched him pace around
"YOU BROUGHT PROSTITUTES TO THE HOUSE BILL DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU JUST DID" Toms eyes pierced into mine before walking past me and out of the house quickly



"BABE WHERE ARE YOU" I breathe out walking through the front door
"Tom?" She came from the bedroom she replied in a sleepy voice
"Come here" I whispered to her walking over to her pulling her into my chest

She wrapped her arms around me tightly

"I missed you baby" she whispered into my chest
"I missed you so much you know your all I want right" I pulled away cupping her face into my hands
"Of course did something happen?" She asked
"No baby" I told her pulling her back into me
"Tom you smell like alcohol" she looked up at me
"Had a few drinks with the guys lastnight" I lied
"Did you have fun?" She questioned pulling away
"Not really" I said looking down at her
"Why not?" She asked
"I wanted you to be there" I said which I really did

I pulled her back into me kissing her lips gently not letting her go
She held onto me tightly as she kissed me back

"Babe your acting a bit weird" She whispered into the kiss
"I'm not I just love you" I smiled against her lips making her smile

"How was the meet and greet" She asked walking around to the couch sitting
"A bunch of kids were there they were adorable" I smiled but my smile dropped thinking of tobi

I walked around sitting next to her

"Aw baby come here" She said wrapping her arms around my neck
I grabbed her and sat her on my lap putting my hands on her waist as she hugged me

"It's okay" I replied in a soft voice
"How's the boys?" She asked
"Well their starting tour off with a literal bang" I reply looking up at her
"literal?" She asks
"Yeah they had prostitutes all over last night" I told her
"What?!" She almost yelled
"yeah I woke up with one in my bed" I quickly let out
"Say what" She got up off of me now
"Babe I don't remember what happened I was blacked out lastnight" I quickly followed as she stood up
"You fucked her?!" She yelled at me
"I don't know I might of" I whisper feeling shitty about it

She pushed me away

"Fuck off tom" She snapped trying to walk away
"Lexi stop" I grabbed her wrist tightly not letting her pull away
"I don't remember who she was or what the fuck happened the only reason I knew was because of bill woke me up screaming at me about it which it was their fault for bringing them there I was just taken advantage of and I probably also thought it was you" I finally breathed out after saying that quickly
"That don't make it any better tom" She said with sadness in her voice

"All I know was that all I need is you I hate myself for even imagining what I would of done to some other girl baby please" I teared up looking at her
"You were drunk?" She said softly
"Blacked out" I corrected her

She rolled her eyes at me letting a small smile out

"Your not gonna leave me?" I asked worried
"No tom I need you and I believe what you say" She said tiredly
"Oh thank god I love you so much" I said pulling her into my chest kissing her head
"I love you to" She replied pulling off me quickly
"Don't touch me until you wash the prostitute off" She snapped walking back to the bedroom

She didn't leave.



I've already been through so much there's no reason to not believe tom
We're basically married

I can't lose him again

I told him to take a shower while I walked back into my room because of how tired I was

I was so worried about so many things and I missed tom all night so I couldn't sleep

I laid back down getting comfortable as tom finished his shower

He walked into my room with his dick out a robe on

I looked at his abs and back up at him

"your so sexy" I smiled as he walked towards me
"you are baby" he said climbing into bed with me

He grabbed a lap top and sat it on his lap after kissing me gently

"What are you looking at" I asked
"Wedding stuff" he replied not taking his eyes off the screen

He looked really fucking hot so I wanted to show off what was mine by posting a picture of him

He looked really fucking hot so I wanted to show off what was mine by posting a picture of him

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He smiled at me then set the laptop down grabbing me and pulling me on top of him

"I'm not fucking you" I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck
"Maybe I just wanted some love" he pouted
"You get lots of love even if it's not from me" I rolled my eyes
"But I prefer it from you" He smiled
I moved off of him keeping one leg on his torso and laying my head on his chest
"You get it from me all the time tom" I reply closing my eyes
"Hard to when your always sleeping" He laughed quietly
"mhm sleep with me" I placed my hand on his chest

He lifted my chin up kissing my lips before
fully laying down with me under the covers

He kissed my head then we fell asleep.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now