moments like these

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"Look normal" I shouted into my whisper "What I look normal" he almost shouted back into a whisper

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"Look normal" I shouted into my whisper
"What I look normal" he almost shouted back into a whisper

I slide my slippers on quickly looking back at tom as I leave the room

"Stay here" I whisper walking out shutting the door behind me

I walk out seeing bill and T

"Sleep well?" Bill smiled looking at tobi in his arms
I nod feeling my face heat up

"Mommy" Tobi yells
I giggle grabbing him and holding him on my hip
"Hi baby how was your dinner or lunch" I look down at him on my hip kissing his head
"Uncy got me dis" Tobi said pulling a action figure out from behind his back
"What that's so cool!!!" I said excitedly for him

"Who's car is out front?" Bill asked looking over at T
"uh.." I stutter a little
"Toms" I added
"Where's he at" Bill asked looking for him walking to the kitchen

He looks at the floor then counter

"Yeah you might wanna clean up" Bill whispered looking over at T making her laugh

My face definitely got red

"It's not surprising lexi" T said
"Where's he at though" She added

I sighed

"Bedroom" I'm nervous for tobi to meet his dad
"Tom!" Bill yelled making tom walk out of my room catching Tobis eyes constantly

Tom looked a mess
His hair was messy
His shirt was off

"Oh my god" was all that left toms lips
He started tearing up walking towards me and tobias
"Tobias" Tom whispered looking up at me then him

Tobi just looked at tom not saying anything

"I'm your dad" Tom said smiling at tobi
"Mommy what's dadda" Tobi looked up at me asking
"He's your dad baby" I say pressing my lips against his head

Tobias turned his head around looking at tom and reaching his little arms out to him

"Can i.." Tom whispered his voice a little shaky
"Yes.." I smiled giving tom the baby and backing up a little

I looked over at T and bill leaning into each other and tearing up as they watched tom with the baby

I wipe my eyes trying not to cry

Tobias has his father in his life now and that's all that matters

"Hi buddy" Tom smiles brightly holding tobi in his arms against his bare body
"Where's u shirt" tobi asked shaking his toy in his hands
"On mommy" Tom smiled not taking his eyes off tobias
"Mummy got her own cwothes" He said
"I know she does" Tom replied swaying his body as he held tobias

"Your mommy and daddy love each other very very much and when people love each other very very much they.." I cut bill of giving him wide eyes
"Stop!" I almost yell at bill
"i wub mommy to" Tobi replied looking at bill
"my mommy" he gave tom a dirty face making me laugh in silent

Tom looked over at me for help but I couldn't help him
I just gave him a sorry face

"how about we share mommy" Tom asked
"No" Tobias said starting to cry
"Oh baby it's okay" I grabbed tobi from tom so he didn't freak out
"Mommy's yours my love" I kiss tobias head
"oki mummy" He laid his head on my chest falling asleep

I walked to his room and laid him in the crib
Tom followed

Tom wrapped his arm around my shoulder and looked down at tobias sleeping

"I guess your his now" He turned to give me a pouty face
I giggled pushing him playfully before walking out of the room and shutting the door an lights off

Me and tom were walking back in the living room and we seen T on top of bill making out

Tom put his hands over my eyes as he stood behind me and walked me back to my room


2 hours later

Me and tom just finished watching a movie and I looked over at him sleeping

I smiled and got up quietly without waking him up
I walked out of the room seeing T asleep on the couch and I assumed Bill was outside

I walked outside seeing bill smoking a cigarette

I close the door quietly siting down on the porch next to him not looking at him

He didn't look at me neither

"What you doing up" I softly said
"Just out for a smoke" He replies quietly inhaling the cigarette
"Care to share" I ask

He gave me a warm smile passing me the cigarette

I inhaled it flicking the ashes as I hug my knees

"I think T's cheating" He sighs
"What why?" I say shocked inhaling another one before passing it back to him
"She just hasn't been interested in anything to do with me anymore" He inhaled smoke holding the cigarette between his fingers
"Aw babe" I give him sorrow eyes
"No it's okay maybe she's not the one" He said softly
"What you've guys been together for almost three years" I say
"Yeah but sometimes it happens maybe i'm not good enough or don't look hot enough you know? like tom" He said inhaling more smoke

I look down at the concrete as the cold hit our faces

"You really thing she's cheating?" I asked quietly

I don't wanna see bill heartbroken

"Maybe" He whispered almost crying
Bill was emotional and just wanted full on love not just temporary lust

I lay my head on his shoulder taking his cigarette back and inhale it leaving it between my fingers

"Just talk to her bill" I quietly say
" i can't bring myself to do it" He says leaning his head on mine
"You can i know you can" I softly say

I squeeze his arm gently before getting up and giving his cigarette back walking back inside

I walk to the bathroom spraying perfume onto me so I don't smell like smoke

I walk In tobias's room seeing him standing in his crib in the dark

"Hi baby" I whisper

it's pretty normal for tobi to wake up around 12 at night he always does

"Mommy" He says wanting me to pick him up
I walk over to him picking him up and walking back to kitchen seeing as bill just walks back in

Bill instantly lights up rushing over to tobi

"hiii little one " Bill smiled pinching tobis cheeks softly as he walked up behind me

"Here hold him while I get him some milk" I say handing tobi to bill
Bill held tobi and baby talked him as I made him some milk

He gave him back and me and bill said goodnight to each other as I brought tobi back to my bed and laid him between me and tom as tom was lights out
I got in bed next to tobi and tom and turned on a kids show for tobi to fall asleep to

I eventually fell asleep and so did tobi

I have my family back.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now