December part 2

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I take the sip of my wine after we finish dinner "When am I gonna need to move out?" I say tipping my wine glass a little "We've handled everything" he comments getting up grabbing the plates and glasses

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I take the sip of my wine after we finish dinner
"When am I gonna need to move out?" I say tipping my wine glass a little
"We've handled everything" he comments getting up grabbing the plates and glasses

I jus lay my head on my hand watching him walk to the sink
"I'm assuming this was the surprise bill was gonna spoil" I get up now walking up to his back faced to me

"No this was just my surprise for you" he smiles to himself
I wrap my arms around his body laying my head near the middle of his back

"Not sure your gonna need the extra room in your new place" I press my lips against his shirt
"Is that so?" He grins turning around cupping my face into his hands making me look up at him in adoration

"I can get real use to this you know?" he kisses my nose
"I'm getting there" I smile
"Pack your bags so we can get on out and go snuggle up in our New big bed" he says letting go of me

I jus nod an smile walking to my room and start packing all my clothes an my two stuffed animals I have to have

I finish packing an he helps take it down to his car
"What if your fans don't like me?" I question watching him put my bags in his back seat

"We're thinking about turning the extra room into a studio" He says ignoring what I say
"Tom?" I glare at him
"Hm?" he closes the door looking over at me
"Don't ignore me" I cross my arms

He walks over to me kissing my forehead before opening my door for me signaling for me to get in now
I sigh an get in.
He gets in after

"I don't care about what my fans think and also those people around the corner, I don't want our first time together getting out as us arguing" he looks at me saying

How could I ever be mad at him?
He leans over kissing my lips gently
I kiss him back turning it into a makeout session
He lets go smiling
That's what i'd like to get out seeing as our first time together

I giggle
"Your a horn dog" I roll my eyes looking out at the cameras flashing

He pretends his heart stops as he puts his hand over his chest
"I never new" He sarcastically says laughing

I playfully push him
He eventually drives off and we drive to his new place
Holy shit it's nice

He grabs my bags and we walk in being welcomed by Bill of course
He squeals and hugs me tightly
"Did he do it" he lets off a little smiling at me

I nod showing him my invisible ring smiling big
"Wait he proposed?" He says shocked
"No bill im kidding" I giggle

Bill takes out his phone
"You guys waste no time huh?" bill says showing the picture of us making out in the car

Bill takes out his phone "You guys waste  no time huh?" bill says showing the picture of us making out in the car

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"Neither do the paparazzi" Tom added setting my bags down near the couch

"So what's the big plan?" Bill says putting his phone down
"Huh" i look at him
"you know being 30 an us all three living together with gustav and george visiting sometimes" Bill looks at tom who's not giving any attention to us to busy looking at comments on the picture

I shrug
"Maybe you two share me off and on" i say knowing that would get toms attention
"I'm honestly okay with that" Bill laughs seeing tom walk up behind me hugging me from behind not letting go
"No sharing find your own" he glared at bill

Bill throws his hands up
"In my defense it was your girlfriends idea" he laughs plopping down on the couch

And I have to admit, wasn't the worst idea i've ever had
I smile as Tom grabs my hand showing me to the room
I inhaled and covered my mouth
"ITS SO PRETTY" i run up to the bed jumping on it
"Don't say it like that, your making me sound like something i'm not" tom laughed at
"So what if I called you pretty?" I comment watching him walk over to me run his hands up my thighs as I lay back
"Then I won't disagree" he climbed on top of me softly kissing my chin then nose
I roll my eyes grabbing his chin making him kiss my lips

Bill pops in the door way making tom jump as he hears his voice
He started saying things in german really fast
I laugh as I hold onto the front of his shirt
"Wow rude things to say to your only twin"
Bill snaps sassily
"Your interrupting us" I whined at bill and tom agreeing
"George wants us to go out to dinner with him an his new chick" bill says not moving from the door way
"Since when did George get a chick" Tom got up off of me sitting up making me do the same
"Is she hot?" Tom asks making me get up

"Hope she is so I can bang your brother" I snap at tom walking over to Bill
"Well now me to" bill wraps his arm around my shoulder
Tom rushed over to us pushing us apart
"No no, I was just joking babe" he stands in front of us
"Sure you were" Bill gives tom a look
"you forget you jus asked me to be your girlfriend" I cross my arms an look up at him

"Noo i only want you" he plead wrapping me in a hug
"Good going tom" bill laughed walking to his room to get ready
I walk to my bag annoyed of tom
He follows me like a lost puppy

"I just wanna let you know i've never did anything like I did for you for any other girl" He sat next to my bag watching me
"Not even your ex wife?" I quickly glance at him while i pick through my clothes

He stops me from looking through my clothes pulling me onto his lap
"No not even for my ex fiancé" he says putting his hands on my waist

I give in wrapping my arms around his neck
"I better be the only hot one to you" I snap
"You aree" He pulls me against him now

"And i better be the only hot brother to you" he raises an eyebrow kissing my cheek
I smile at him before I slowly start grinding against him
His hands start pushing with my hips making me grind
I kiss him softly feeling his lip piercing against my lip
He slides the dress up gripping my ass

"So are you gonna go with us?" Bill pops in the door way again not even bothered by the sight
"No no" Tom breathes in between kisses

I finally pull away breathing a bit heavy as I look back at bill
"we're getting ready now" I smile
"What no way let's stay home an fuck then watch movies or something" Tom whined
"Baby we can't let bill go by himself" I gave him a sad face
"Fine fine but you owe me" He looks over at bill pointing his finger
"I owe you shit" bill laughs walking out

"your not wearing that in front of the guys" Tom said getting me up an setting me down
"Why not" I say pulling my dress back down
"They will wanna fuck you" He walked over to his dresser grabbing on of his oversized t shirts
I couldn't say no
I love wearing oversized shit no matter where I go
I pull my dress off watching tom eye my body like a hulk
"Just a quicky?" Tom said putting the shirt on over my head
"Use your fingers when we get there an quicky me under the table" I said smiling walking back to put one of my mini skirts on under the big shirt

"I like your thinking" He agreed grabbing my hand while we walk out with bill
"I was joking-" I looked at him
"You really are a sex addict" I giggled
"Your just now figuring it out?" Bill asked
"I think so" I giggled

We all got into the car an drove to the restaurant
We park and go in seeing George with some girl an gustav sitting with him
The girl turns around seeing george point at us.

Holy shit
"Mandy?" I whisper and squeeze toms hand as he looks down at me

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now