the after math

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        I look over at mandy as soon as we get back to the hotel in shock because she has loved the band for forever an that was not how i seen it turning out.

"Mandy please tell me i was just dreaming an you didn't just go all psycho on the lead guitarist in the band" i breath out.

"Yes lexi because you deserve better then what he can give an your 19 and don't need to settle for that" she snapped
"Oh fucking please when did you become my mother" I snapped back grabbing a shot cup pouring myself a shot as i look over at her.
"your right go get yourself a fucked by every band member in the band and while your at it have groupie sex an tell me how it was after" she said leaving my hotel room slamming the door on the way out.

"ARE YOU A FUCKING CHILD YOU BITCH" I yelled as she walked back in speed walking up to me slapping me across the face as i
push her off of me against the fridge

she grabbed my hair as i punched her in the face making her go more crazy as she pushed me to the ground breaking the alcohol bottle grabbing a piece of sharp glass slicing it against my face before she drops it an finally leaves.

I put my hand up to my cheek in shock hearing my phone ring.
I crawl over to it as i answer it
"hello?" i answer
"hello?" tom answered in his little accent
"is this the guy from the band?" i questioned
"I have a name but yes" he said
"well what do you want at this time?" I smile a bit asking
"well can I come over? right now" he said
"well sure if you plan on cleaning all the glass up from the floor" i said
"i'll bring bill for that" he simply said as i heard him in the background hitting him.
I giggle an give him my address and get up.

fuck. I look like shit.
I run to my room changing into some comfortable clothes

I clean my cheek up before trying to get my
shit together in the house so it don't look half terrible when he comes over or they.
I honestly don't know.

an hour later I hear a knock on the door

"Come in" I yell from my room as i get up walking into the kitchen

"wow even dressed down your hot" he bluntly says
"tom stop being so rude" bill said putting his hand out
"i'm bill an this is tom i know he told at the meet and greet but it's more official now" he smiles ear to ear as i smiled in adoration

"nice to meet you to i'm lexi" i say looking at both of them.
"where did your friend go?" tom says
"if your looking on a threesome, not happening plus she's a bit crazy" I told him

he looks taken aback from what i said
"excuse you? I don't just sleep with anyone" he commented bill giving him a look as he said that.
"that's not what my best friend had told
me tom" i say as i look up at him.

"maybe she isn't a real fan then" he looked over at bill.

bill shook his head and spoke something in german then said his goodbyes then he left leaving me an tom in the same room alone.

"you don't think i wanna sleep with you do you lexi?" he asked quietly
"n-no" i said feeling my face heat up in the moment as i hopped up on my counter looking at him.
it was a bit dark an it was still raining an now thundering
he slowly walked up to where I was looked up at me
"do you like oceans?" he questioned as leaned his hands against the counter edges with my legs in between.
"well I live in California so yes i do" I looked down at him now feeling a heaviness in my chest from how close he was.

"Oh California is a sweet place and same me and my brother we liked going by the ocean when we were a couple years younger to see how fast we could race an see who would win because the sand isn't really easy to run in an I would always win" he smiled at himself
"you trying to get my to like you by telling me your better then your brother" I smiled to myself a bit liking the fact he's talking about his brother right now an not trying to fuck
not so me but it's a bit attractive coming from him.

he blushed a bit before answering "depends is it working" he looked back at me

"I don't think it is tom" I put my finger on my chin making a thinking face.
he smiled moving my hand down
"tell me something about yourself" he said looking up at my in the same position he was in before.
"i like reading and being antisocial and drinking alcohol and being alone" I quickly said as a response.
"i think we're definitely opposites besides the drinking part" he gave me a bit of a sad look before quickly changing it to a smile

He backed away from my legs
"does it bother you that your not alone right now?" he questioned
"not really, your nice company if i'm being honest" i said back

"wowww is all i am company" he said sarcastically crossing his arms like a child turning his back to me

i giggle getting down from the counter walking to face him pulling his arms down
"you could be more than jus sweet company"
i looked up at him

"i'd love to but I can't" he said touching his finger tips against the bandage on my face with a face of remorse.

"why not?" i push his hand away.
"i just have somewhere else to be right now, i'll give you a call though?" he smiles gently

he walks to the door.

"can I ask you something?" I question
he wraps me in a tight hug before
opening the door
"i know i just met you but it honestly feels like i've known you forever" he gently lowers his voice making me lose focus on what i just asked before watching him leave my hotel.

What the fuck just happened.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now