on the road

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It felt like we were driving forever to be honest

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It felt like we were driving forever to be honest

We were at a hotel now

"Tom where's my shirt at" I yelled at him from the bed while he was in the bathroom
"Why would I know i'm not a girl" He yelled back
"What's that suppose to mean" I replied looking for my shirt
"Maybe it fell out on the bike while I was driving" He replied walking out from the bathroom
"Tom I had my bag zipped up" I whined rolling my eyes and throwing my hands up
"Just buy a new one what's so special about the shirt" He snapped getting annoyed
"Tom It's my only shirt I wear of mine that isn't yours" I whined
"So just wear mine then" He grinned
"I need cute clothes for myself to" I sighed walking back over to my bag

Tom walks over to me pulling my shirt from behind his back

"Really" I said snatching it from his hand and throwing it over my head
"What? I liked the view" He shrugged walking back to the bathroom
"Your annoying" I reply
"Yeah but a cute annoying right" He said popping his head from the doorway
"Sure tom" I said
"Where are we gonna eat" I added
"Is this why your crabby, your hungry?" He asked
"BABE!" I yelled at him
"Fine fine" He said walking out waiting for me
"Let's go" He added grabbing my hand

We leave to go get lunch

"Can we get mcdonald's" I ask on the back of his bike
"Babe no" He yelled back at me
"What pleaseeee" I beg
"Why not go somewhere that has good good lunch" He said
"It does have good good lunch" I smiled holding onto him tightly
"Fine" He sighed pulling into the parking lot and getting off

I got off to taking my helmet off as he did sitting it on the bike
I hold onto his arm smiling

We walk inside getting our food and we sit down

"Tom" I say as we sit together
"Yes" He ask taking a bite of a fry

I grab the rest of the fry eating it

He looks over at me annoyed and takes another one

He looks over at me annoyed and takes another one

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I giggle before eating my food an he eats his

"You won't tell me where we're going will you?" I ask finishing my last bite
"No" He simply says
"That's like kidnapping" I sigh
"You agreed to the kidnap" He replies standing up as I follow him out to the bike again

We go back to the hotel

"Pack your things we need to get on the road again"
He says as we walk through the doors
"Tom I just got in why can't we take a couple days to stay off the road" I ask looking at him
"Do you wanna be killed" He turned to me
"You'd let him kill me" I snap
"Well no but you wouldn't hVe me because i'd be dead lexi" He replied grabbing his bag
"Whatever" I rolled my eyes grabbing my bag throwing it over my shoulder

He stops me and grabs me gently cupping my face in his hands and kissing my lips gently

"It's gonna be worth it baby" He says looking down at me
"I know tom i'm just tired" I laid my head against his chest hugging him

He held me for a couple of minutes before we had to leave

On the road again

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now