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It was finally the day we had to leave for Hawaii

I jumped on tom wrapping my legs around tom

"Are you ready for this" I said excitedly
"I've been ready" He smiles catching me and kissing my lips before putting me back down

I get down grabbing my suitcase and dragging it to the car

Bill said he'd meet us at the airport so I guess we're gonna meet them there

We threw everything inside the car and drove off to the airport
We got out and went inside going through security then we just had to wait

I was holding onto toms arm the whole time
Tom put his glasses on and put a hat on

I think I was the one grabbing everyone's attention because I was bare face with nothing covering me

"Babe can we get coffee" I say dragging tom over to where starbucks was at
"Anything for you" He smiles following behind as he was being dragged

I got my coffee then we went back to sit down until we seen Bill, Gustav, And gorge with T and Bill was holding tobias

I almost fell running over to bill and tobi

"Baby" I shouted grabbing tobias from bill
I held him in my arms as he was whining for me
"It's okay bubba your gonna be taking care of" I kissed his head and looked over at standing behind me hugging bill and george then gustav

"Bye my little man" Tom said putting his finger up to Tobias face
Tobias wrapped his little finger around toms finger making all of us smile in awe

Tom kissed tobias head as Bill took tobi back

I gave bill a side hugg then hugged T then george then gustav

Then me and tom had to be boarded onto our plane before it took off without us.
I looked over at tom as he sat next me trying to fall asleep

I smile turning my head looking out the window now

I can't actually believe we were doing this
Years ago I would of never seen myself being this crazy in love with someone like tom

Tom was perfect for me though


A couple hours later we landed down in hawaii

"Babe wake up" Tom shook me as everyone was getting off the plane

We got off the plane and went to go grab the baggage and headed to our hotel

On the way to the hotel a fan seen tom an ran up to him

"Omg omg It's tom!!!" The girl screams bringing all her other friends over
"What we love you!!!" They yell at him
"Thank you thank you" He replies looking over at me

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now