club night

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"GET OUT OF THE SHOWER" T screamed atme"IM SHAVING WAIT A MINUTE" I scream back"Jesus" she replies getting ready for the club

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"GET OUT OF THE SHOWER" T screamed at
"Jesus" she replies getting ready for the club

10 minutes later

I got out doing my makeup and hair and putting my outfit on

I walk out ready to leave"Holy shit who you getting hot for?" T asked"Myself an the man i'm about to bring back" I mumble to myself "Alright little miss princess let's go" she said as we head out getting in the car an going to the club

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I walk out ready to leave
"Holy shit who you getting hot for?" T asked
"Myself an the man i'm about to bring back" I mumble to myself
"Alright little miss princess let's go" she said as we head out getting in the car an going to the club

We get inside
Hot, bodies everywhere
This is the shit i'm talking about

I walk up to the bar following behind T as we order drinks
"ready to get our party on" I comment downing my shots fast
"Sure am" T doing the same as we get up and start dancing to the music blasting through the building.

I start grinding against strangers as I get more drunk through out the night.
I end up getting called on stage for a karaoke singing battle with some random girl

I start singing loudly into the mic not knowing how bad or good I sound because the club is so loud

I feel a pair of eyes on me like eyes that could undress me without touching me.
It's a sexual song so I'm moving my body as i'm singing.
The song ends an I giggle walking off the stage running into someone a lot taller than me.
"I'm sorry" I say before looking up catching the eyes of Tom

"Lexi?" Tom questions
"Is this real" I ask
"you wanna go around back with me for a bit while I smoke?" he keeps looking at me

I nod as I hold onto his arm as he pushes through the crowd
We get to the back an he takes out a cigarette and lights it.

"How've you been?" he flicks the cigarette between his fingers
I look at him confused
"That's all your gonna ask after all this time" i snapped at him
"What do you want me to say" he sighs putting the cigarette out leaning up against the building
"your back and didn't even wanna tell me" I feel hurt but I try not to cry
"I didn't wanna hurt you again" he sighed
"Am i some fan girl to you?" I say pissed off
He cups my face in his hands looking down at me with those fucking pretty eyes
"I've never ever took you off my mind ever since that night I left, your all I want I crave you and I'm scared to come back an having to leave again an it ending with result of fucking this up again" he breathed
"When you left you didn't even do anything bill was sadder than you tom. that tells me a lot" I inhale feeling tears run down my cheeks as I don't break eye contact with him

"if I didn't leave then I wasn't gonna leave at all" he lowered his voice
He pulled my body against his and hugged me
His scent is still the same
"what happened to your wife" i breathed into his chest
"I left her after we started tour" he replied

"are you staying" I whispered
"We might be" he smiled

I looked up at him
"really" I smiled back up at him
"Yeah me an bill got a place down here, we're taking a break from music" he said
"where's bill?" I ask

He takes me inside to where they were sitting an after he sees me for a second he gets up an jumps up to hug me tightly.

he had short hair an no makeup on like he was a bit hot.

I hugged him back tightly trying not to cry
I pushed him playfully
"you didn't tell me you were back" i told him
"We wernt ready yet" he yelled over the music
"why's that?" i shout back
"We wanted to surprise you but I guess you beat us to it" he says as I look back at tom because I didn't think he wanted to find me again.

I sat in their booth with them
I didn't see george or gustav so i'm assuming their out on the dance floor

"What's your guys new years plans?" I ask them
"We don't know yet but i'm assuming i know what toms is now" bill grins and tom shakes his head smiling
The night ends
I get a text from T saying she's going home with someone
"You doin anything now?" Tom ask making me look up from my phone
"going home, taking a shower an slumping" I smile and look back down at my phone

"Oh common at least let me come with you so we can talk about everything" he pleads
"there's nothing to talk about" i quietly say
"Yes there is and you know it" I nod giving in to him letting him come with me after hugging bill before we leave to go back to my place.

Back to my place

we walk inside with the scent of cinnamon an Christmas everywhere.

"Damn you outdid yourself this year" tom laughed
"love christmas" I giggled putting my things down as I sit on the couch
He sits next to me
"I know" he replies

"you still love me?" I quickly looked at him as i asked
"I never stopped" He smiled
"I've missed you so much lexi like I don't want to ever leave your side again" he breathes putting his hand on my thigh
"Your fully single now? no fiancé or wife" I smiled at him
"Fully single" He laughed brushing his thumb against my dress
"You look beautiful" he looked into my eyes knowing he can get to me whenever he wanted.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now