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"Baby!" I shouted running into his arms
He lifted me up holding my legs around his waist
"Where have you been all day" I asked him
"Doing business you know talking with the cops and stuff" he shrugged off

Bill raised his eyebrow at him
I caught that for sure but whatever

"I'm going to bed love you brother and lex" Bill said before walking to his room and closing us out

"How've you been feeling" He asked walking to the bedroom and sitting on his bed with me on his lap
"Better with having you with me, i've missed you so much all day" I whine laying my head on his shoulder
"I'm sorry this was the only day I'll leave your side" He said rubbing my back and kissing my head


It's been about a week
I'm pretty much healed up besides some small bruises that are fading

Tom really hasn't left my side at all

I woke up from a nap stretching over tom
He was watching a movie so he was just looking at me waiting for me to move

I giggle rolling back over to my side and lay on my stomach looking at him
"Grumpy" I comment
"I'm not grumpy thank you very much" He says watching the movie
"Your definitely not in a good mood" I comment laying my head back on the pillow

I reach my hand over to his arm
He takes my hand and holds it in his

"See not grumpy at all" He says quietly holding my hand intertwining our fingers
"Have you slept?" I asked him
"No not yet" He lowered his voice looking down at me giving me a small smile

Not to mention tom hasn't really been sleeping much i'm starting to get really worried about him

"Baby you need sleep" i sat up taking my hand away and scooting closer to him
"I'm fine i'll sleep in a bit" He replied

I'm starting to think this effected him more than it affected me
"yeah but it's like 11 in the morning baby why don't you sleep with me at night" I said lowering my tone
"I'm just watching out for you is all lexi" He finally turned to me

"Do you really think someone's gonna break in while i'm sleeping in bed with you tom" I softly said climbing on top of his lap
He snakes his arms around me giving me his full attention
"No i'm sorry" He said shaking his head
He layed his head on my chest hugging me

I slid my fingers into his hair kissing the top of his head
"I'm not gonna leave you either so don't be scared baby" I whispered into his hair as I kissed his head

"sleep my love" I softly said pulling away but he held onto me tightly not wanting me to move
I held onto him again not letting him go
He ended up falling asleep against my chest

I was able to slowly lay down with him not letting go of him because he had his arms around me tightly still

I hear the door creaking open and I seen bill pop his head in
"Hey can I talk to you for a second" He whispered seeing how tom was sleeping

I waved one of my hands over telling him to come over to me
"He's been staying up and not sleeping so i actually got him to sleep" I whispered laying my head up on the side of his gently as bill walks in

"I've been really worried about him to be honest"Bill sat by us

I could tell he was sad about tom
"Your really good for him lexi he's never been like this" Bill said

I reached my arm over tom gently putting it on bills arm
"Don't worry i'll always be here for both of you" I whispered not wanting to wake tom up
Not that he will wake up any time soon

Bill smiled at me
"I need someone as good as you" bill whispers
"You'll find someone i promise" i smiled reassuring him as I squeeze his arm gently

He looked at me smiling and leaving me and tom alone again shutting the door on the way out

Bill will find his one someday
He wants someone to love and not just a body for a night

I laid down again next to tom making sure I didn't wake him
I gently placed my hand on his cheek keeping my legs wrapped around them
I didn't feel my legs no more
He was laying on one

He was a pretty sleeper

I brushed my thumb against his cheek gently kissing his forehead as I fell asleep with him


It was about a couple hours later

"WAKE UP" Bill busted open the door scaring me and tom awake
"WHATS WRONG" Tom got up in a hurry letting me go and running over to bill

I loved how tom was always worried for bill
It was the sweetest thing to see


In and instant tom ran over to me picking me up and he grabbed bills arm running out the back and around the front
He helped us over the fence to get out and he followed behind both of us making sure we got out

I was panicked and I kinda was very clumsy but I fell backwards on the sidewalk scraping my hand
I winced in pain but watched the front of the house go up in flames

Bill was having a panic attack I believe
I looked over at him and tom

Tom had his arms wrapped around bill who was up against the gate while the fire department was pulling up

Tom was there to try and calm him down
Bill was in tears breathing heavily

But he watched it all happen
He could of died

Was this because of me again?
Was I the reason?
Did someone catch the house on fire?

All these thoughts ran through my head like a bullet

I couldn't stand the thought of me putting them in danger at all.

I couldn't do it.
When no one was looking
I ran.
Ran so far away from the place
I was scared of someone seeing me but I'd rather take a beating then hurting the two boys I care about so much

I stopped in front of building
I ran inside going straight to the bathroom
I was breathing frantically
I have to go back

My body wouldn't move though

I was gone.
Meaning They can't hurt anymore.
I can't go back.

𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 / 𝘛𝘖𝘔 𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡Where stories live. Discover now