hotel room

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He drives me over to the hotel and goes up with me I open the door an we both go in

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He drives me over to the hotel and goes up with me
I open the door an we both go in

"what your gonna sleep here?" i question setting my things down
"only fair since I booked it" He smiled at
me closing the door
"Tom this really can't happen your with someone and your happy" I turn to look at him towering over me

"Give me another chance" He looked down at
"To what fuck me?" I push him back a bit
"No lexi i'm happy but i'm so much happier with you" He quickly said

"Well you know i've missed you but I can't keep being the side fling or whatever" I sigh
"heidi's never here so what if i don't leave her but me an you stay on down low until she wants to leave me" he smiled lookin at me

"Are you crazy" I give him a shocked look
"your going on tour with us right?" He added
"I am" I say sitting on the bed
"Okay what if I don't kiss or fuck heidi but we stay in a relationship so it would make you feel better?" He asked
"And tell know one?" i ask
"nope" he replied
"What about bill?" I ask
"no he'll end up figuring it out either way" he laughed

I shrug "deal"
"But if you hurt me even once I'll end you" I snap

He wasted no time running over to me as i stood up he wrapped his arms around me slamming his lips into mine

We end up making out for a good 30 minutes before I pulled my shirt off then pulling at his to make him take it off

We started stripping
He picked me up laying me on the bed kissing down my body sliding his hands under
my back pushing my back up to make
me arch
I gripped my tits as he started using his tongue on my pussy
I moaned his name
The man i've been craving is mine
all mine.
We're in the moment

He slides up after finishing with my pussy
He instantly shoved his dick inside me
"F-fuckkk t-tom" I screamed
He shoved his finger into my mouth as I rolled my eyes back digging my nails into his back and gripping his hair

He forced himself more into me trying to fully be inside of me
I moaned louder with his thumb inside my mouth
I instantly came but he kept fucking me hard
He was gripping the sheets next to my head wrapping his hand around my throat as we were both now moaning each others name unlike before

It was like we needed each other to breathe

He forced one last thrust before cuming inside
He got up grabbing a hold of his cock putting it over my face
I gripped onto it sucking what was left inside out from the tip listening to his moans turned
me on even more.

I sat up pushing him over and climbing on top
"Fuck yes" he whispered as I slid his throbbing cock back inside me
I grip onto his hair as my arms snakes around his neck
I start bouncing off of him really fast while he slaps my ass hard leaving hand prints
I lean my head back moaning in pain and pleasure from how big he is.

He stops me from bouncing and grips my hips and starts thrusting up into me really fast while he uses his thumb to circle my clit
I literally scream his name moaning uncontrollably at this point cuming all over him now
He came really fast after I finished
pulling out of me
He sat up with me on top of him
He placed his hand on the back of my neck pulling me into a kiss

We both breath heavily into the kiss

I was now laying on his chest using my
fingertip to draw shapes on his chest

"I love you" he whispers looking up at
the ceiling
"I love you too" I said softly
He kissed the top of my head getting up and
walking to the bathroom running the water

He came back to pick me up and took me
to the bath
We both got in
I'm laying up against his chest as he gently
leaves kisses on my neck
"I wanna give you kids" He whispers into my neck
"You do?" I whisper
"we're not gonna stop aging you know?" He smiled against my neck making me smile

I rub my hands against his arms
"When?" I ask
"Now?" he replied
What about your fans and your actual girlfriend" I question
"We keep it a secret until we can't or private" he said
"private sounds better but i like the idea" I smiled
"Touring the world with my girl and a mini me" he said excitedly
"I'm gonna teach he or her to play the guitar" he added smiling uncomfortably

I giggle
"Your cute" I turn to kiss him gently
"I know" he massaged my shoulders

"Beby i'm sleepy" I tell him
"let's get out and dry off an go to sleep then love" He gets up holding onto me gently

We dry off an he gives me his shirt
and I put on a pair of my clean panties on and lay in the bed watching him slide his boxers on an her into bed me with me

He pulls me into him tightly under the covers
"Goodnight baby" he whispers
"Goodnight tom" I smile

We both drift off to sleep.

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