Math Sucks

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This was based off a radiohead song at first but then the idea kinda turned into something different midway. Anyways, stan Radiohead.

  Tweek wakes up, he has no idea what time it is. It was dark outside so he's assuming pretty late at night. He feels hot, his body drenched in sweat and tears. The blonde is very anxious and what-not but he doesn't remember the last time he cried. Guess all that anxiety and stress caught up with him.

  He finally lifts his head up, rubbing his eyes and stretching, he's still at his desk. That's right, he was working on extra school work. He needed the extra credit so he wouldn't fail. Tweek was a very smart kid, and everyone knew that. But he just couldn't focus and class and everything in math just seemed so complicated; he fell behind.

  Tweek suddenly felt uncomfortable. With the same green button up shirt he wore and his blue jeans, it all felt so tight, and like it was suffocating him. He quickly gets out of his chair, finding some clothes to change into and hoping his parents didn't hear him with the creaky floor boards. Tweek decided he needed more coffee. The paper he was working on before basically passing out was due tomorrow. He looked at the paper, only three more problems then he was on the backside.

He finally checks his phone that was still playing the music he was listening to while working on the homework. He paused it. Then Tweek saw a million messages and calls from Craig. Shit.

And now suddenly, Tweek is panicking. He made his boyfriend worry and it was two in the morning! There was no way in hell he could get this paper done and still get enough sleep for him to function in school, with or without the drugged up coffee. He checked, Craig's last call was five minutes ago, around the time Tweek woke up from his almost dreadful slumber. But he can't get over the fact that he's now shaking and twitching.

He needed his coffee, to at least calm him down for the time being. He needed to play a certain type of music to keep his blood pumping and to not become as pale as a ghost and for his heart to not stop. He needed his fidget spinner. The one Craig gave him just a few weeks ago. But then he remembered he lost it at school the other day, and it still hasn't been found. He can't get through this on his own, he needed Craig and his calming reassurance and fast! Tweek needed him more than ever right now. Why won't he call him again? Did he finally give up and went to sleep? This may seem bad but Tweek hopes he isn't sleeping, he wants him to call him back. Now. NOW. It's selfish, and Tweek knows that. But he can't go on right now. All the math problems are scrambled up in his mind and he needs help.

Tweek tried not to lose his nerve but it was so hard right now. He couldn't do this on his own, he needed Craig by his side or he'd likely end up doing something bad. He needs Craig to stabilize him so he could finally think about that he's doing and get this paper done. Tweek thinks he should just call him back but right as he picks up his phone to call him, he sees Craig's new notification. He can't be any happier while still in a middle of a panic attack. Tweek has never picked the phone up faster.

"Tweek? God, about time you picked up! We're you asleep? Did I wake you?"
Craig asked. He hears heavy breathing. It's a bit natural for the blonde boy but this time, it seemed different. But before Craig could ask, Tweek spoke up.

"ACK-! Sorry! I fell asleep while working on this stupid math paper! No, you didn't wake me."
Tweek responds, trying to sound like he's completely fine and stable.

"Are you ok? You sound like you're about to cry. And your breathing is heavier and more out of control than normal. You know you can talk to me."
The dark haired boy comments. This caused Tweek to breakdown.

"No! I'm not fucking fine! I still have this whole backside to do on this paper and it's due tomorrow! If I don't get it done I'm going to fail! And if I fail my parents are going to be so upset and disappointed in me and I just fucking need you and more coffee! I'm freaking out and I can't do this on my own!"
The blonde rambles through tears. The paper getting more wet. There were already stains from the crying before, but now, he's really soaking the paper.

"Hey, hey. First of all, you don't need more coffee. And I can't come see you right now but I'll try to help you as best as I can. Try to control your breathing by taking deep breaths."
Craig instructed.

"ARGH-! I can't do it! I'm totally freaking out right now and I lost the fidget spinner you got me! And your logic isn't helping either!"

"I'm sorry! I'm trying my best, alright? You don't need a fidget spinner, I'm right here in the phone. Face-time me, I'll try to make it at least a little more bearable for you."

Tweek sets his phone up and clicks the accept to face-time button. The side of Craig's face can be seen, he sits up, his hair a mess. Tweek felt bad for this. He doesn't know why Craig wanted to call him so late at night but it sure wasn't to deal with him and his stupid emotions getting the best of him again. Tweek wishes he could be more like Craig, being able to not let things bother him. Being able to walk around and look people in the eyes with a straight face.






The blonde yelled. He jumped a bit and turned back to the phone screen, he must've zoned out.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. You seemed to have calmed down a bit. Now, do you need help with your homework?"
Craig asked.

"Uh yeah, I don't understand it at all. It was already confusing with the variables but I got the hang of that. But I don't understand the fractions. You know I'm not good with those at all."

"Yeah, that's alright. Nobody understood it at first." Craig chuckled.

After ten minutes or so, Tweek finally finished the last three problems on the front, with Craig reexplaining each one. He turned it to the back, only nine more problems. They were all the same as the three he just did. But the first one, the problem was set up backwards, which just confused Tweek. What numbers were negative? Or positive? He began to freak out again, pulling at his hair as he stared at the paper. What the fuck? Why would they just flip it around like it was nothing? He hated this and he couldn't figure out how to solve it. Tweek could just rewrite it in the way he was used to but still, he didn't know what numbers were positive and negative.

"Tweek. You're doing great, you have a few problems left, I know you can do it. Just calm down and tell me what the issue is."
Craig said.

"I-uh, the problem is flipped. The answer is first while the problem is last. I don't know how to do it." He mumbled, still staring at the page.

"Ok, are there any other problems that are the way you know how to do?"
The other asked.

"Yeah, some of them."
Tweek answered, nodding a bit.

"Ok, do those first. Then tell me the other problems and I'll reverse them for you."
Craig instructed.

The blonde nods again, getting done with the few problems he could do pretty quickly. He texted Craig the problems, though they were still on face-time. Craig texted the problems back, putting them how Tweek liked it. They made their regular small talk as Tweek finished the problems. About time. The blonde let out a sigh of relief, putting the paper into his book-bag and laying his head back onto the desk.

"See? I knew you could do it. Now get some rest, it's three in the morning."
Craig said in his usual monotone voice, sounding a bit tired as he yawned.

"Alright, I'll try. Bye, love you!"
Tweek replied, picking up his phone and holding it close to his face.

"Yep. Cya honey, get some sleep, you know I'll know if you don't."

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