Comfort Crowd

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Craig with Asperger's??? Also Craig is a fan of the cure ‼️

  Craig woke up to his music stopped and drenched in sweat. After school naps always seemed to be the worst for him, especially on days such as today; Friday's. He would feel like shit in the morning, at school, after school, evening, night. He thought maybe a nap would help, but he'd end up waking up feelings worse every time. It didn't help that sometime in his sleep, the cure would stop playing. He would wake up to silence or to hear his parents and sister talking just downstairs.

  He thinks everyone has noticed his changes. His voice even dryer than usual, sleeping even more in class, not eating lunch, his face has even changed a bit. His lips were chapped since he's been too tired to just put some chapstick on it, his eyes are always half opened and the dark circles under his eyes really popped out. His hat lopsided on the top of his head, with a few of his black hairs sticking out. He needs to keep a straight face, act like everything is normal, until he's sweaty.

  School has been hard. Just being around people has been hard. His social battery is permanently dead and drained, he's tried staying away from everyone, even his family, when he got the chance but it seemed like nothing could help him. And for some reason, everyone just seemed like a piece of shit.

  Everyone and everything was shit. There wasn't much of anythjng Craig enjoyed. Okay, maybe a few things. Like his music he listens to when he sleeps, which right now is the cure and not his usual playlist, that isn't shit to him. Also his friends, they aren't shitty like everyone else, but he just always sees them when he's drained, exhausted and running on a cup of hot chocolate and cheerios cereal; also with a dead social battery.

  But there someone, only one person who isn't like the rest, who isn't like his friends or the other dirty douchebags he goes to school with. He doesn't need a social battery to be around him, and he's always nice, to him at least, and understanding. Maybe he's the cure. Maybe Tweek Tweak can help him.

  Craig feels bad about it though. Tweek is his boyfriend and lately, he hasn't been the same around him. Which, made the poor boy panic and worry more than he already does or more that he needs to. He hasn't been spending his time with him, missing his messages and calls left and right due to him sleeping all the time. Oh yeah, and sleeping doesn't seem like shit either.

  It's just, since he turned eleven, everything has gone downhill for him. He doesn't know why. Every time multiple people are talking at once, he just wants to scream at them to shut the fuck up. Usually, he wouldn't care, it wasn't something that bothered him much then. But now, his room looked like shit to him. Though the floor was clean, thanks to that middle of the night motivation, but his desk, dresser, everything else just looked horrible! With stuff unorganized and just shitty looking.

  Craig wanted to scream and beg for help but there was no use, maybe this was just nothing. It could be nothing at all, just a thought, or a mindset that he needed to change somehow. He couldn't be coming down with some sort of illness. Yeah, there wasn't anything wrong with him. It was everyone else. It's their own fault he sees everything as shit. Craig can feel himself tear up a bit, he knows that's not true.

  He's breath is short and unsteady, he feels lightheaded, dizzy, like he was floating on a cloud that was for some reason going south; taking him straight to hell. From outside his bedroom door, he hears a knock.

Thomas started.

Craig hummed, low but still able to be heard.

"Oh, you're awake from once."
He commented.
"Tweek is here."

The boy grumbled. He got no response. A tear fell down his face just as the door opened.

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