Advice {Requested}

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They are completely platonic in this!! There will be no confession or anything because I think it's a bit of a jackass move to break up with someone and make out with another person later that night. If yk what I mean.

"Hey dude."
Kyle started, slowly opening up Stan's bedroom door.
"Your mom let me in. You doing ok after today?"

When Kyle looked up, he saw Stan's hand quickly moving, like he was trying to hide something.
"Yeah, I'm ok."
The boy replied, more like a whisper than his actual voice.

"What was that?"
The redhead asked.

"What was what?"
Stan questioned.

"You're hiding something from me."
Kyle accused, looking to see what Stan hid.

"No? Why would I hide something from my super best friend? That's crazy. Are YOU ok Kyle?"
The black haired boy commented, talking quickly and clearly nervous.

"Ok douchebag. Quit the act. What are you hiding?" He said.

Stan sighed, he knew Kyle would find it if he kept looking around. And which, he did.
"Stan. You're drinking?! Dude, we're in high school! After we turn twenty one, which I remind you is soon, we have our whole lives to get drunk. Come on man! I know you got drunk that one time but I didn't think you were still doing it!"
He stated.

"Kyle, dude, I'm not in the mood for your lectures. Just let me have the bottle now and I'll quit after I'm done being heartbroken."
Stan responded.

He heard Kyle sigh, handing him the bottle.
"What even happened. I just saw Bebe give you a note and you were all sad and gloomy for the rest of the day."

The boy got into his bedside drawer and pulled out the note, handing it to Kyle.
"Shit dude, you keep everything she gives you?"
He confronted.

"It's all breaking up letters and the pictures she gives me." Stan admitted before shaking his head.
"But that doesn't matter. Read the damn thing."

Kyle looked down at the note that has clearly been folded a million times. "Dear Stan, we need to break up. I know it's like we just got back together but it's just not going to work out between us. It's time we see different people. Just know, you'll always have a special place in my heart. Sincerely, Wendy." He read. Kyle looked up at Stan, who was on the verge of tears.

"Weak dude. You don't need her. It's clear that your relationship is toxic, it's time you just move on."
Kyle said.

"It's not that easy, dude. You don't get it! She's the only girl I've ever loved. I've been in love with her since the fourth grade! And before you tell me to just get over it or to go make out with some random girl at a club drunk. Don't. Kenny already tried convincing me to do that. It hasn't work...yet."
Stan commented.

"Dude, I wasn't going to say that."
The redhead started.
"It's clear you've grown some sort of attachment towards her. It's like you can't live without her. She's manipulating you, dude. I don't even think she realizes it. What she's doing is called the "hot and cold tactic" where this person, in this case, Wendy, is giving you the attention you didn't know you needed. In your situation, you guys being in a relationship, and then, she just takes all the attention away from you, like when you guys break up to leave you heartbroken. And after a little bit she'll give all that attention back to you, just to take that away from you again. She's manipulating you. And it all just seems very one sided. You guys get together but she's always the one that ends it! And when you have enough of being sad, she takes you back like nothing happened. She's ready to move on, Stan. And she's only taking you back and breaking up with you a few weeks later is because she feels bad for you. She's done with you man."

"How do I stop being attached to her?"
Stan asked, looking straight ahead of him, never daring to even glance at Kyle. He takes a long sip from the bottle of alcohol, just to down his sorrows, just for the time being.

"I think you just need to resist. Your heart tells you that you need her. You need to break that bond and control from your heart and use your brain to decide what's best for you. You need to tell yourself that you don't need her, you can't just crawl back to her like you always do. Resist."
He advices, shrugging his shoulders a bit.

"Alright. Yeah. I think I can do that."
Stan said, confidently standing up.

"I know you can do it."
Kyle reassures, smiling as he stands up with him.
"I don't know how many more times I can see you go down this spiral. She makes you miserable and you deserve better."

"Yeah! It won't happen again. You know, every time she broke up with me it was with a note or her friends telling me? She even got Tweek to break up with me for her!"
He exclaimed.

"Shit dude. Why Tweek?"
The taller boy asked.

"Not sure. Him and Bebe are friends and when Wendy asked Bebe to do it she refused because she's done it several times. And she convinced Tweek to do it because he's gay and he's kind of a part of the girls in a way and he knows all the drama."
Stan explained.

"But if Tweek only knows all the drama because he's friends with the girls and that's only because he's gay, then why doesn't Craig ever know shit? And he's never hanging out with the girls?"
Kyle wondered.

"You know Craig. He doesn't care. I mean, he and the girls talk on some occasions but he isn't all bestie westies like Tweek and them are. And why would he have to hang out with extra people to hear the drama when he has his boyfriend that tells him everything? Craig and Tweek are a different breed! They know shit we don't! They are powerful as hell!"

"I'm aware of that! Of course they are powerful! They're one of the only gay couple in South Park. They have a weapon."
The redhead claimed.

"Exactly!" Stan agreed. "But I got to thank you Kyle. I wouldn't have opened up my eyes if it wasn't for you preparing a whole speech for me."
He smiles, putting the bottle down and hugging the taller boy.

The redhead hugs back.
"Anytime! It's what super best friends are for! I just don't want you to become one of those emotionless goth kids again. I mean, you can dress like them. And you still listen to their music, along with other metal bands and whatnot. But I don't want you turning all emotionless and saying everything is pain again. That shit killed me."

"I know, I know. I don't plan on being goth again." The shorter boy chuckled.

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