Thanks, That Was a David Bowie Song

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HUGGEEEE fan of Nirvana and David Bowie!! I love music from that time omggggg

I'm supposed to be asleep 🧍‍♀️

Tweek and Craig laid down on the bed, neutral colored comforter covered them. Tweek stared at his tv, the lyrics of the song playing on the big screen; that was on the lowest brightness setting. His Spotify was connected to his tv, he liked just having background noise. It gave him a sense of comfort in a way.

If it was silent, it would seem like a horror movie, where the killer jumps out of nowhere and kills Tweek. Without any background noise, you would hear every single sound. From the water dripping from the kitchen faucet to a car driving down the road in the middle of the night, maybe you could hear the skinwalkers or kidnappers or whoever outside. Tweek didn't like hearing every little noise, it only made him more and more paranoid.

Craig had his arm wrapped around him, his head nuzzled into Tweek's neck. He loved it when he and Craig had some sort of contact, physical or just them talking, it gave Tweek some security; made him feel warm inside and loved, and cared for. Physical contact was his favorite, rather he was holding Craig or Craig was holding him, he loved it.

It was late, and Tweek was sure that Craig was asleep. He wasn't the type to stay up late, and he was a deep sleeper so he probably couldn't even hear the music. Still, Tweek lied awake in his bed. At least he was comfortable.

The blonde stared at the lyrics, a song by Radiohead played. It was coming to an end. He was so tired, his eyes were fluttering, trying to drift off but still having that sense of not being tired enough. He hated that. Tweek hated sleep in general. It never came to him fast enough and he wouldn't stay asleep long enough. He could lay in bed, wide awake for hours until he could finally doze off; but it'd only be a catnap.

The next song played, 'the Man Who Sold the World', specifically by Nirvana. He liked the David Bowie, the original, version too but the cover by Nirvana really caught his attention. It made him feel a certain way, a way he couldn't describe. He's felt this way with many songs. The song pushing him like wind, or maybe being carried by waves in an ocean. The music had such control over him, it almost felt refreshing in some way. That was something else that would be hard to explain.

Tweek starts humming to the music, the lyrics haven't started. It sounds weird to him, his arm squishing the side of his face; since he was laying on his side. It wasn't like he was trying to keep himself awake or wake Craig, if he was even asleep, he just liked humming. It was calm, soothing, made background noise more like background noise; and not just noise, if that even made sense. He would still be able to hear if someone broke into his house, or if an apocalypse started outside his home. It made him feel good.

  There were so many more songs that we could hum to in the middle of the night. 'Where Did You Sleep Last Night?' was one he liked humming or lightly singing to at night, 'Exit Music (For A Film)' was another great one; by Radiohead. If you can't tell, he really loved Radiohead. 'Liquid Smooth' and 'Eric' but Mitski was also highly enjoyable and was listened to a lot by Tweek during his insomniac nights. The list goes on and on, almost never ending.

As much as he wanted to sing, he couldn't be sure if the boy next to him was truly asleep. Craig was always the one to have heavy, deep breathing. And if he was awake, he didn't want to embarrass himself by singing, his voice always sounded different when he was tired, and laying on his side made it sound weird as well.

"Are you humming?"
Craig suddenly asked, making Tweek jump a bit...and also scream.
"Calm down, honey. I didn't mean to scare you."

"I—ngh—thought you were asleep!"
Tweek exclaimed.

"No, not that tired."
The boy mumbled, his face still buried in the blonde's neck.
"I am pretty tired though."

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