Drugged {Requested}

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I feel like it took me too long to get to this request. It was mainly because I didn't know what to write at first but I finally figured it out and really wanted to get this out!!

Warnings: drugs, non-consensual drug usage, meth

  It was night, when police sirens could be seen and heard outside the Tweak's home. Richard and Misses Tweak being forced into cop cars with their hands behind their backs. The coffee shop would now be closed down, and Tweek would probably be put into foster care.

  He sat on the steps outside, wearing his boyfriend's hoodie and his favorite blanket wrapped around him. It was a cold night, unfortunately. A police kneeled in front of him, asking him questions. Tweek answered as honestly as possible, then he was put into a different cop car but without the handcuffs. He was going to be tested for drugs and questioned more at the station.

  After what seemed like forever, he was finally done. No more questions, no more tests. He can finally call Craig and tell him what happened. He can finally go to his boyfriend's house and cuddle, be held in his arms, where he knows he safe; where he knows he won't be drugged. Even though he knows everybody will be talking about this at school Monday, Tweek didn't want to think about that just yet. He just wants to see Craig, it's all he can think about right now.

"What happened honey?"
Craig asked frantically, Thomas just behind him as he was running up to Tweek when he saw him sitting in a plastic chair

  Tweek was still crying, he's been addicted to meth for most of his life and he didn't even know? His parents were the ones drugging him? It was all just so sick and twisted in Tweek's eyes, in just about anybody's eyes for that matter! His own parents really set him up to be a drug addict in the future, without a second thought? That was just a different level of messed up and shitty. How bad if parents do you have to be? To put your business in front of your kid? To put drugs in your coffee just to make more money? And go give that to your son? My god, what do you say in a situation like this?

"My parents—were out for the night. And while they were out, I decided to—ngh— snoop around the kitchen since they never let me look around and a found a bag of meth, that was almost completely gone. So I called the cops, and they found—multiple giant bags of meth at the shop. And I found out I've been doing meth without even knowing for years. AGHH—! So basically, I'm an addict and it wasn't even my fault."
Tweek explained, wiping more tears from his eyes as he shuddered, twitching and hugging his knees.

"What? Oh my god!"
He replied, leaning over to hug the blonde and kiss him on the cheek.
"I'm so sorry, honey."

"RAH—! Do you know how much coffee I've drank everyday? I've been drinking more than—twelve cups of coffee since I was t-ten. They've been drugging me for five years."
He started.
"This is really going to f—uck me up in the future, I'm going to g-grow older faster, I'm going to be ug—lier when I get older, I'm going to—ngh—lose teeth faster, I'm going to lose hair quicker. My whole life is going to f-f-fall apart."

"You'll never be ugly in my eyes, honey. None of this was your fault, your parents are horrible people and let's hope they get locked away forever. They could've killed you if you consumed too much of it." Craig claimed, only hugging him tighter.

"That's the biggest lie—I've ever heard."
Tweek stated.

"What? You'll never be ugly in my eyes. Come on, Tweek. Am I ever the one to lie to make someone feel better?"
The black haired boy asked, helping him off the chair.
"Come on, let's go to my house. You can stay at my house for as long as you want. Which, we both know will be forever."

  This was the first time in a while Craig has actually felt shock. When he got a call from Tweek saying he was at the police station, he didn't know what to think. But he didn't expect his long term boyfriend would be drugged his whole life by his parents. He didn't expect his boyfriend's parents to be giving out meth like it's candy. This was clearly a shock to Thomas too, he didn't even have any words. He's always gotten along with Richard great, never expected something like this to happen. Especially to a kid like Tweek.

  They make it the car and Craig decides to sit in the back with Tweek. It was almost one a.m. but that didn't matter right now. Everyone at the Tucker's house was still awake anyways. It was awkward, and the air was sad and angry. Craig wanted to scream and shout at Tweek's parents, he hasn't felt rage and anger like this in forever either.

"I don't even know what to say, Tweek. I'm so sorry this happened, I would've never thought something like that would have ever happened."
Thomas started, keeping his eyes in front of him; on the road.

"I don't even—ngh—know—what to say. It's fine, I just don't want to ever see them—again."
Tweek responded, his head on Craig's shoulder with the blanket covering both of them.

"It's not fine. Meth is illegal for a reason. I just can't believe this."
The ginger muttered.
"You know, you can stay at our house for as long as you need to, right? Tomorrow, we can take you back to your house so you can get some of your things."

"ARGH—! Yeah, s—ounds good, thanks Thomas." The blonde mumbled.

  The next day, Tweek got the news that the trial would be soon, sooner than expected and it was more than likely that they would be locked up in prison for the rest of their lives. Knowing that gave Tweek a bit of relief. He wouldn't have to face his parents again after the trial, he would get justice and nobody would be getting meth in their coffee anymore. And now, Tweek would probably never touch a cup of coffee again.

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