Wisdom Teeth

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I saw a headcanon saying when Tweek and Craig are high, they kinda switch personalities. Like Craig is super paranoid and Tweek is chill. So, this is kinda like that but Tweek isn't high, just Craig.

I was like almost done but I decided to rewrite it.

I went to the hospital like 2 weeks ago or something and I was put onto 3 different medications and I cried because I hated the way it felt. So I incorporated that onto Craig because why not??

They're like 17 in this lmao

  Craig woke up in an unfamiliar room. It was mainly white, with tools laying around next to him and a light shining over his head. This was scary. Was he kidnapped? Dead? What if he was kidnapped and murdered, and his family was still searching for him. What if he was missing and he was locked in this room for all of eternity? What if he died and this is the gates to hell? He closed his eyes tightly, shifting to get away from the light. Even with his eyes closed, the light was still in his eyes. He annoyedly opens his eyes and quickly sits up. But someone carefully pushes him back down, a voice telling him to wait until the nurse gets back. At least it was a voice he recognized, that gave him a bit of comfort. Craig turns to see who was beside him, his head slightly aching with his jaw hurting.

He was so focused on where he was, he forgot to think about how he felt. And when he realized that, he immediately hated the way he felt. The room was dizzying, he was lightheaded and he didn't feel real. This was all too much, he had no idea where he was and he felt anxious; very nervous and on edge. He was shaking, like a lot.

"Hey mama.."
Craig muttered, his voice cracking and slowly tapping on her leg with his violently shaking hand.

"Hey baby, we'll get going in a second."
Laura said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"No, I—I wanna go now."
He stuttered, still barely conscious, he fell back into the blue chair as he started sobbing.

A guy enters the room, holding a paper. "Here you go, Misses Tucker, this is a list of things he can and cannot do until he's fully recovered or within the next twenty four hours. Along with food he can and can't eat, an estimate on how long anesthesia will last, et cetera."

"Thank you, Doctor Smith."
Laura said, getting up from the chair. She folds the paper and puts it in her pocket.
"Do you think you can stand, honey?."

Craig doesn't have a verbal response, besides his whimpers and sniffles. He shakes his head as he tries to push himself up.

"It's alright, dear."
She claimed, helping out the chair and almost carrying him out the room.
"Try and focus on your breathing, you're having a panic attack. Think about Tweek, he's here to see you."

He nods, letting Laura drag him down the hallway as he cried more. He hated feeling like he wasn't in control of himself, something about it scared him. He doesn't feel real, everything around him is just a scene, maybe he's really in a pitch black void. He can see the curtains falling, the scenery just gone and left with dark emptiness and this thing wrapped around him; holding him close and keeping him steady. That made him feel slightly better, knowing he wasn't alone.

As much as he tried to calm himself down he couldn't. Craig would go from shaking to slightly twitching, but for only a second before he started shaking again. He felt so lightheaded, but so heavy at the same time. His legs could barely hold himself up, he was falling into something but he couldn't tell what. Was he dying? But he didn't even get to say goodbye to Tweek, or his parents. Why was he suddenly so scared? He's never felt so horrified. He just wants this feeling to stop.

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