Transphobia [AO3 Request]

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Sorry this took so long for it to come out!! Motivation has been sucky lately but I think I'm back??

Anyways, this is my first Kenjorine oneshot!! I'm so happy to finally post something related to them.

Warnings: Transphobia, bullying

  This month has been hard, almost too hard, on Marjorine. School started a little over a month ago and this year wasn't the fresh start she had wanted. Everyone in their high school knew she was trans, knowing she was 'Butters' before. Seven hours, five days a week, Marjorine would be pushed around in the halls and in the classroom, getting called disrespectful names and slurs by the kids older than her. It sucked, it really, really sucked.

  Things weren't much better at home either. Over the summer, all she heard was her dad yelling at her, telling her she wouldn't be a real girl; she'd always be a boy, no matter what. She had to hide all her clothes and makeup, having to hide her hair and extensions in a beanie. She couldn't even hide most of her stuff, Kenny and some of her friends had to take some of the stuff for her since she started getting weekly room checks.

  Marjorine's parents have always been mean, especially her dad, but it's only gotten worse ever since they went through her phone and found out she was transgender. Her mom hasn't really said much, she never did. Some part of Marjorine wanted to believe that deep down, her mom supported her, but she knew that wasn't true.

  Today was worse. Marjorine wakes up at three in the morning, showering, eating pop tart bites, and leaving for school before her dad could wake up. Like usual, everyone stared. Some pointed and laughed while others whispered to someone next to them. God, they can accept gay people but not trans? How come the gay people can get money but all Marjorine got was weird stares and pushed into lockers?

She couldn't handle it anymore. The constant stares were becoming too much. She had one too many bruises on her body from being pushed around, the yelling, the whispering, the name-calling, the bullying. Marjorine was being pushed over the edge, very, very slowly. One more step, she'd be falling off then cliff.

She could no longer be herself. No more dresses, skirts, feminine clothes, hair down. Too many stares and some juniors tried looking up her skirt. Now, she wore her masculine clothes again. Baggy jeans, an even bigger shirt, but her accessories stayed feminine. If she talked, she was only mocked and made fun of, or ignored and interrupted. So, she stayed silent. But, Marjorine kept her head up in the hallways, that way, it would be like nobody got to her, and she was still confident in her gender identity.

Though, Kenny, her boyfriend, noticed. He noticed everything, every small detail caught his eye. That was one of her favorite qualities in him. But sometimes, she wished he was oblivious. Then, he wouldn't notice her makeup was different because she was crying while getting ready this morning, or the change in clothing choices or suddenly becoming introverted.

Marjorine was tired, so very tired. She dreaded waking up every morning. First her father, then school. She's used to being bullied but being bullied for years on end, be surprised she hasn't snapped more often.

"Hey, are you okay? You're a lot quieter than usual." Kenny pointed out, leaning in to whisper to her.

Marjorine nods, staring down at her lunch tray. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't sleep much."

Kenny knew it was something else, he saw the bullying and all the stares. And he's tried his best to defend her but it doesn't stop. It never will.

During math, Marjorine could feel herself slip into little space. Today, she was pushed into more lockers than ever, a guy cut her with scissors he was carrying down the hallway, on accident or on purpose, it fucking hurt. She was bleeding, she could feel it drip down her arm but she didn't dare do anything. She just let herself bleed, luckily she was wearing a black hoodie; it wouldn't be visible. For some reason, more people yelled in her face, calling her slurs and the usual. It wasn't ever anything new or original. But god, it really started getting to her and she didn't know how much more she could take being she snapped or regressed so low she would need a diaper and someone carrying her twenty-four seven.

Without thinking, Marjorine rose her hand, almost begging to go to the bathroom. Thankfully, the teacher was always nice and let her go. Quickly, she gets up and rushed out the classroom; all eyes still on her.

Sixth period, Kenny always skipped this period. It was his study hall class, and he never did anything besides cause trouble. So, it was either getting jokingly yelled at by the teacher or exploring the school. As much as Kenny loved his study hall teacher, what did he expect him to do for forty-five minutes?

"Ken! Fank 'od I foud youuu!"
Marjorine exclaimed, running up to him when he saw spotted in the hallway, good thing there wasn't any classrooms in the hallway.

"Marj? Are you skipping? You never skip math." Kenny replied, concerned.

"Noooo! Jus' wanna see you, kids be mean today..." She claimed, whispering the last bit.

"Those seniors are still being mean to you? I thought I got them to stop."

"It's not jus' the sewiors..! It's evweryone! Evweryone so meeeaaann!"

"Awww, sweetie. I know, it's not fair. You don't deserve this."
Kenny said, pulling her into a hug.
"How about we go back to my place and forget about all the mean people?"

"You surre? I'm gonna 'iss out on allllll my 'ther casses."
Marjorine replied.

"I'm sure. You can catch up whenever, not like your math teacher would care. You need a break from everyone. Your parents are always on your ass, and most of the kids at this school are dicks. Nobody will care."
The blonde boy assured.

She nodded.
"Yeah, alight, le's goooo!"

Inside Kenny's house, they sat on the couch. Marjorine played with her Sanrio plushies, luckily she kept them in her book bag. Kenny took a mental note of every person that bullied or talked about her behind Marjorine's back. Not like he'd do anything, just knowing who and who not to avoid.

"You hungry? We don't got much but eating something is better than nothing at all."
Kenny stated.

Marjorine glanced up at him, shaking her head and went right back to playing with her toys.

"You sure? You didn't eat much at lunch today."
He pushed.

"No, still full, had big breakfast."
She answered, not caring to look at him this time.

"Alright, just making sure."
The blonde replied. "Want me to play with you?"

Marjorine smiled and nods, handing him a Batz Maru plushie.

  They sit there, making up conversations with the plushies and messing around until it got late and Marjorine became big again and left with a better attitude; and knowing that he put a smile on her face made Kenny happy.

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