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Y'all my birthday is in five mother fucking days and I wanna write a bday special oneshot but idk like what to do with it. So someone give me ideas 🙏

Also still taking requests!! (please give me Stendy and Bunny requests, I need them)

Adult AU :3

  Kyle laid in bed, on his stomach with his head in Wendy's lap. She ran her fingers through his hair, as he dozed off. It was that red, curly, thick hair that Wendy and Stan adored. It was unique, different, when it came to physical appearance, it was one of their favorite features, besides his green eyes and curly eyelashes.

  It was later at night, later than Kyle was used to. But since he stayed up the whole night before drinking coffee and working on his writing, he now officially had Stan's sleep schedule; and that was the last thing he wanted. He was so tired but whenever he'd try to sleep, his body wouldn't let him. It was almost impossible.

  He got less sleep than what he had hoped for. He didn't go to sleep until four am, waking up at seven, for whatever reason, and he's sorta been out of it for the rest of the day. He didn't get much more work done and when he tried to take a nap, he was woken up by Stan, asking him to go to the gas station with him; because he doesn't like going anywhere by himself.

"Why don't you just ask Wendy to go with you?"
He asked, his voice heavy with sleep and his eyes still closed. He pulls the blanket over him more, covering most of his face.

"I would but she's taking care of stuff right now! She's watering the plants, feeding Iris, playing with Freddie and Brian; all while on the phone with her clients! You got to give it to her, she's an amazing multitasker!"
Stan exclaimed.

"Why can't you just go by yourself? It's right down the road. Nobody is going to kill you for getting a singular monster and some ice cream."
The redhead murmured.

"You don't fucking know that, do you? I like having someone to talk to when I'm driving, it makes me feel safe, pleaaassseee!"
The boy begged.

Kyle grumbled, throwing the blanket off of him and sitting up, his eyes glaring at Stan's.
"Fine, let's just hurry up."

"Did I ever tell you how nice your hair is?"
Wendy asked, braiding a small piece of Kyle's hair.

"Yes, you and Stan have told me like everyday since high school."
Kyle answered with a low, sleepy chuckle.

"Well, guess I'll tell you everyday for now on."
She teased.

He slightly nodded, humming in acknowledgement as he smiled; melting into her touch.

"What's been going on with you today? You've been quieter than usual and just...zoned out."
Wendy confronted.

Kyle shrugs.
"I stayed up all night working on this writing thing I had to send in today and I didn't get much sleep."

"I'm surprised you aren't working right now."
She claimed.

"I need a break."
He mumbled in response.

The noirette sighs.
"At least you know your limits."

"M'at does that even meeeaaaann?"
The redhead asked.

"You always do too much and stress yourself out. It's good to know when you need a break instead of overworking yourself and slowly destroying yourself like you usually do."
Wendy stated.

"I don't overwork myself."
Kyle protested with a whine, silently begging for her to play with his hair more.

"Mhmmm, sure."
She finalized.

After a few moments of silence, she spoke up again. "You know, I love it when you're sleepy."
She lightly giggled, twisting some of his curls around her finger.

He hummed again, almost silent. His eyes were droopy and heavy, getting ready to close at any moment and to let himself drift off into the sleep he begged for all day.

"Hey guys! Sorry I came home later than expected, for some weird reason traffic was horrible and Cora and Lana decided to drop me off last."
Stan announced, walking into the bedroom.

"You went to practice in your pajamas?"
Wendy asked.

"Yeah, why not? I wasn't going to dress all fancy just to go see the same people I see like everyday. And it was just practice, nobody was seeing us perform. So, who really cares?"
He shrugged, tugging his shoes off and putting them aside before jumping onto the bed; this action making Kyle huff in annoyance.

"What's up with you?"
Stan asked.

"He's just tired, he stayed up late working on his writing."
She summarized.

"Then go to sleep?"
He replied.

Kyle said, digging his head deeper into Wendy's lap.

"Look how beautiful he is."
Wendy smiled, lifting up some of Kyle's hair so Stan could see his face.

"Yeah, he's our beautiful little princess."
Stan teased, pecking him on the cheek.

Kyle blinked slowly, too tired to make an argument, he gives him the finger and groans. He feels Wendy's hands mess around in his hair more, being careful not to get caught in any tangles.

"And look at how gorgeous his hair is. He really is our little princess."
Wendy smiled. Kyle feels a cold hand slip under the hoodie he wore and rubbed his back. He sighed in satisfaction, letting himself relax even more in their touch.

"Don't call m'at."
Kyle muttered, laying a hand on Stan's thigh.

"But it's true, Kyle. You are our princess."
Stan claimed.

He whined, his brain fuzzy. He was so, so tired, he barely had the ability to think about much else rather than sleep and how comfortable he felt. Stan gets up and turns the fan on. Kyle yawns, suddenly shivering.

"Why did you turn the fan on, Stanley?"
Wendy asked, throwing the blanket over the two.

"Because I was hot? And Kyle likes sleeping in the cold."
He replied, sitting back down on the bed.

Kyle sits up and rubs his eyes, laying back down in between them. Laying on one of Wendy's legs and one of Stan's. They were quick to lay their hands all over him again. Wendy still stuck on his hair while Stan practically gave him a back massage.

"Are you guys comfortable?"
Stan asked.

"I'm pretty comfortable."
Wendy answered, Kyle only smiled and hummed happily, nodding.

"Of course you're comfortable, you're being pampered by us!"
He said.
"Why don't I ever get back rubs?"

  He shrugged, not caring enough to answer the question as he dozed off on his lover's laps. He slowly blinked a few more times before keeping them closed, finally falling into slumber.

Wendy lays her head on Stan's shoulder, the pillow behind her propping her up.
"I'm going to sleep too, night Stanley."

"Wait why? You guys always leave me awake by myself."
He pouted.

"I'm tired, I got to work tomorrow, and you know how my clients are. Maybe try going to sleep earlier, it would give you more time to work on your music during the day instead of getting home at midnight after practice everyday."
Wendy suggested.

Stan annoyingly sighed, laying his head on top of her's.
"Alright, I'll try."

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