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  In this, Craig is autistic (and maybe a bit claustrophobic) but yeah I made sure to do my research on this before just going off what I THINK I know. I definitely struggle with stuff like this especially with noise, crowds, and my clothes just feeling weird. I'm not trying to say I'm autistic because I'm not diagnosed but yeah. Anyways, hope you enjoy

  Craig hated assemblies, he hated them so much. Being shoulder to shoulder in a big group of people, making it so you can't even get out the stands, everyone yelling and screaming. It was one of the very few things that made him anxious. It made his stomach twist and turn, his head ache. His ears hurt, his clothes always felt weird on him, either too tight or too loose, too hot or too cold. He hated everything about assembly's, especially on days like this. Field day. Being stuck outside all day and being forced to sign up for competition. Everyone was sweaty and their skin stuck together.

  Now, Craig wasn't the type to get overstimulated or overwhelmed easily, he didn't care most of the time since there wasn't ever anything for him to get overstimulated about. But when it came to stuff like this, he was easily thrown over the edge and...broke.

  This year was going to be different. He was spending this field day with his boyfriend, doing stupid activities together and sitting next to each other on the bleachers. And he wasn't going to have one of his meltdowns in front of Tweek.

  They were now in the gymnasium, and they would be for the rest of the school day. First, they would watch the volleyball team compete with the basketball team in a game of volleyball and whoever won would play against teachers. Then, the volleyball team and the basketball team would compete in some basketball game. Who could make the most shots or something like that. And whoever won that would play against the teachers again. After that is when they would announce the winners of the field day activities. Seems pretty boring, right? But it's almost unbearable being in the bleachers in a crowd of people; at least for Craig it was unbearable.

  That's when it started, everyone hit their feet against the metal and shouted for whoever they wanted to win; chanting it almost. His leg bounced slightly, biting his nail as his head began to ache.

"ARGH—! You okay?"
Tweek asked, pointing to his bouncing leg. It wasn't like him to be anxious, that was kind of Tweek's thing.

Craig nodded a bit, feeling too weak to talk.
"Yeah, I'm fine."

  Tweek shook it off as nothing. His stomach started to hurt, feeling like people are only getting closer to him. Some kid behind them started blowing in his ear, which just added to his mountain of problems right now. His placed his hands over his ears, trying to pretend he isn't there. The yelling and shouting only got louder, everyone screaming on the top of their lungs when the volleyball team won the first round.

The blowing in his ear only got louder and rougher. He felt someone's knees pressing into his back and one of the teacher's is yelling at them to scoot closer together. And as much as he hates it and he doesn't want too, whoever was sitting next to him and getting closer to his and was now touching his leg. And now, Tweek is scooting away and Craig is scooting closer. He can't think, his mind his blank. His stomach hurts, his head aches, everyone is too close to him it's almost suffocating.

Tweek asked.

He doesn't answer, he's in a daze; a trance. He doesn't even acknowledge his name being called.

He repeated.

Again, no response, his eyes dull, and fixated straight ahead of him. He's zoned out, trying to block out any noise or touch.

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