Music Headcanons ‼️

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Now, I don't know if there's any like canon music that Craig, Tweek and Kyle listen to but if there is. Fuck that.
But I do know that it is canon that Stan listens to metal and I don't plan on changing that bc I love that. But most people (like me) like multiple music genres so I'm going to put that too for him.
Eric and Kenny ARE mentioned but mainly, it's going to be Craig, Kyle, Stan and Kyle. (Mostly Craig bc I project myself onto him the most)
I'm going to try and keep this as canon as possible to the characters in the show. But it might be a little fanon. I pray to god (I'm not religious) not though.

  Both Tweek and Craig LOVE radiohead. I am obsessed with the idea of his headcanon. I love it so much istg this is canon.

  Stan listens to Lil Peep OCCASIONALLY. Like if he and Wendy were to break up, he'd play lil peep. Or just to listen to him.

  Tweek likes Mitski. I don't make the rules.

  I think Craig would like some rock bands or like just music from the 90s. He wouldn't like metal like Stan does. As I mentioned, he liked Radiohead but I also think he'd like Nirvana, Queen, Billy Squier, some Bon Jovi, a little bit of Foo Fighters, and possibly Blink 182. Also others but I don't wanna make a super long list. But I think you get what I mean.

  Stan likes the Front Bottoms and McCafferty. Istg he's so coded with them. Idc.

  He might also like Jack Stauber, but I feel like Tweek might also like some of his songs and POSSIBLY Kyle.

  Kyle is Marina and the Diamonds coded. Especially in her older songs.

  Craig and Tweek make each other playlists.

  Here's a tiny list of metal artists that I think Stan would like (and sorry idk much metal so these bands/artists are kinda popular. My bad ig):
Metallica (duh).
Limp Bizkit (I LOVE THEM TOO)
Deftones (who doesn't like Deftones??)
(Maybe some) Kittie

  Stan also likes other artist that make rock music, such as:
(Some) Foo Fighters
Fall Out Boy
Also, let's not forget that he still probably listens to the music the Goth Kids showed him.

  I feel like Eric only likes Insane Clown Posse because of how offensive their music is. I don't believe he actually enjoys listening to their music because it's just not his style but he'll listen to it for the offensive lyrics.

  Craig the Smiths fan?? I think so.
Also Tweek.
They both also like the Velvet Underground, but more Tweek than Craig.

  Tweek likes TV girl, and Craig likes some of the songs Tweek introduced him too.

  I think Kenny would listen to Melanie Martinez. I can see him liking her music.

  Stan a Weezer stan?? Absolutely!!

  Kyle doesn't really have a specific taste. He just kind of goes with whatever is popular. But unless it's like absolute shit to him, he'll listen to it.

I'd like to make it clear that I only had Tweek, Stan, Craig and Kyle in this (besides Kenny and Eric) is because they're all I write about. So yeah.

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