Fairground Date {Requested}

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I completely forgot about this!! I've also been busy and running low on motivation but I'm so sorry to the person who requested this but it's here now!

Also got some Craig and Tricia sibling moments towards the end. And her and Tweek are besties bc Matt Stone told me so. This was also wayyy longer than what I intended it to be but that only makes it better!!

Hand in hand, they walked around the park. It was dark, around nine-thirty p.m the rides lit up with a variety of different colored lights. Still, many people walked around, from small children to grown adults.

"GAH-! Are you supposed to be here after dark?" Tweek asked, holding onto Craig's hard tighter as he twitched and looked around the fairgrounds.

"Yes Tweek, the lights wouldn't be on if we weren't." Craig replied, looking for food courts.
"You hungry?"

The blonde gives a slight nod, using his other hand to rub the back of his neck. They walk around for a bit, seeing some people holding giant stuffed animals and some with big things of cotton candy. Eventually, they find a food court with other food rather than hotdogs and American fries.

They order some food, Craig getting a funnel cake and Tweek got a Carmel apple with a large lemonade for them to share. Craig guides Tweek to an empty bench so they can eat before getting on more rides.

"You know, you didn't have to pay."
Craig smiled, taking a bite of funnel cake.

"I wanted to. You brought me here and—ngh— bought the tickets and everything, it was the least I could do."
Tweek responded, bouncing his leg a bit.

"Alright, alright. That's fair."
He claimed, taking a big bite out of his food.

  After fifteen minutes of talking, eating, and taking pictures, they began walking around and taking turns taking sips of the lemonade as they look for new rides.

"Ooo! Look! They have the alien ride! This was always my favorite!"
Craig exclaimed, pointing at the giant ufo.

"Is it because it's—space themed?"
Tweek asked, taking the final sip of the lemonade.

"Maybe. But you just stand up and hold onto these bars and it just spins around and the things your pressed on moves up and down. It's so much fun!" He explained, using his hands and fingers to demonstrate.

Tweek throws the plastic cup in the trash next to them.
"ARGH—! Does it spin fast?"

"I mean, I wouldn't say so. I've seen little kids go on the it before."
The boy in blue shrugged.

"Yeahhhh, alright. Let's go."
The other boy responded awkwardly, pulling on a bit of his hair.

They get into the somewhat short line, the ride just coming to an end. Many people stumbling off the rude and leaving to go on other rides. Tweek tried not to pay attention to the people but it put him off edge. He didn't want to come off the ride, stumbling. Knowing him, he'd probably fall off the steps.

Craig holds onto Tweek's hand as they get on the ride, they stand against the black mats on the wall, right next to each other, still holding hands.

The ride starts off slow, still enough to make Tweek feel a little lightheaded, blame it on the low iron. He feels like his body is being forcefully shoved and pushed, like gravity was throwing him around from all directions to the point where he couldn't move. His arms felt heavy. Then, the mat he was pushed against moved upward, forcing his feet off the floor of the ufo. He freaks, but he doesn't scream. Though if he did, nobody would've heard him from how loud the ride was, also the kids on the ride were yelling as well; which only made it noisier. Craig looks up at him, noticing Tweek squeezing his hand; soon, he moves up next to him, feet off the floor.

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