Career Headcanons

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Pretend Post Covid doesn't exist bc this is kind of an adult AU?? Like their jobs and hobbies

-Kenny is REALLY good at art. Especially when it comes to painting and pottery. I think he made that a hobby of his and kinda of like a  job he has, though he doesn't consider it a job (and he makes BANK)

-Stan still creates his own band and is the main singer, he can play the guitar but he only does in certain songs, writer (with Kyle's help), and even learned how to produce his own music.

-I believe Kyle became a writer, he writes books and even helps write scripts for movies.

-Tweek became an Actor and was even in some of the movies Kyle wrote scripts for.

-Craig travels around with him for filming and stuff and he either picks up a job wherever Tweek's filming location or has a job where he works from home.

-Stan is also a great engineer, he helps out with people's cars and stuff to get extra money, Kenny sometimes helps out as well.

-Tweek quit working at Tweak Bros. Coffee when he was nineteen to go to acting school (to get a bit more experience and to freshen up on his skill, he's already phenomenal and did drama in high school)

-Bebe became a director (mainly cause she likes telling people what to do and it's nice to know that she gets some credit for something that could be huge)

-Wendy becomes an agent/manager. She actually helps Tweek find new roles and stuff and they talk regularly as friends as well. There was also a few times where She, Tweek, Bebe and Kyle have worked together.

-Butters didn't really know what he wanted to be for a long time but he ended up being a therapist (and he has his own therapist for childhood trauma)

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