A Demon? {Requested}

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Craig doesn't really know how he got here. He was just supposed to go on a calmly walk after a long day and somehow ended up stranded in a woods.

He doesn't remember living by any woods but he also hasn't really been around the new town he just moved into. He's been walking for hours yet his legs didn't hurt whatsoever. Maybe he was lost in the music that blasted in his ears. He didn't know.

  Craig took his headphones out to help him focus more on his surrounding rather than ads or what song was playing. How deep was he in the woods? All that surrounded him was trees, he just now realized it was getting darker as well.

"What the fuck."
Craig muttered to himself, looking up at the dark sky and spinning slowly in a circle. Yep. Leaves and branches practically covered up the sky above him.

"Hey! How are you?"
A voice asked, causing Craig to quickly turn to look behind him.

  Another boy. He looked to be around his age, crazy blonde hair, pale skin, and big eyes with a sweet, genuine smile. But there was something else about him. Red horns with a scrawny red tail. What was he? A demon? 

Craig's eyes widen, taking a cautious step back. "What the hell are you?"
He asked, confused and somewhat afraid. Maybe it was some trick, or a costume.

The boy chuckled a little.
"I know this must be shocking. I'm used to seeing faces like that when they first see me."
He explains, the red tail slightly swaying with the wind.

"Anyways, what's your name? I usually don't see people in woods, especially so late at night."
The blonde boy adds.

He answers, mumbling and still trying to get over his shock.
"Craig Tucker. What's yours?"

"Tweek Tweak!"
He bubbly replied, his smile getting wider.

  Craig could see the boy twitching, though it was obvious he tried not to. It seemed uncontrollable to him, he slightly shook. Tweek seemed like an anxious kid, but also sweet and kind.

"Why are you in the woods so late? Are you one of those kids who like ghost hunting or something?" Tweek asked.

"Oh, no. I just had a hard week, especially today. I just moved into a new town and I've been unpacking all week while also working at a random grocery store. It's just tiring I guess. So, I went on a walk and suddenly, I'm here."
Craig explained, his face expression going back to how it usually was.

He nods, twitching again.
"Yeah, that does seem exhausting."
He trails off, putting a finger to his chin. Craig just now noticed how Tweek hovered off the ground.

"So, I'm assuming your lost in the woods? I could probably help you get out. I know my way around these trees by now."
The blonde claims.

"Yeah that would be nice."
The boy dressed in blue responds.

"So, uh, where's your house at?"
Tweek asked.

"Roberson Street."
Craig answered.

"Alright! Give me a second!"
The anxious boy smiled.

  Then suddenly, the slight hovering turned into him flying gracefully above the trees. Just as quick as he left, he came back. Was it really that simple to get out of the woods and find his street?

"I'm back! And I know the way out! Follow me!" Tweek exclaimed.

  Craig tried to keep up but the blonde was too fast. He was so far ahead of him. After Tweek realized, he stopped completely, waiting for him to catch up. Then, they just walk side by side as they turned around trees.

"So, where are you from?"
Tweek asked.

"South Park, Colorado. I moved to go to college for astronomy."
Craig claimed.

"Astronomy? You want to be an astronaut or work for NASA?"

"Yeah. I've always liked space, ever since I was a kid."

"When does college start? It's only June?"

"Not until September. Just thought I'd get used to this town and get a job before I get busy and only focus on school for the next however many years."

"Hm. Interesting. I never met someone who wanted to be an astronaut before! Do you know a lot about space and stuff then?"
Tweek asked.

"I guess you could say that. I've been studying the moon and everything for years on end."
Craig let out a breathy laugh, noticing the road and sidewalk he was on before suddenly finding himself in the woods earlier.

"That's cool! What's your favorite thing about space?"

"I don't know. This may seem like a basic answer but probably the stars. Like with all the constellations, colors, clusters. It just seems so interesting to me."

  They made it to the road but they didn't stop. They kept talking. Tweek's tail swayed, clearing happy and exciting to be talking with this boy he just met only a half an hour ago. They talked about more than just space. They talked about the supposedly "annoying" kids Craig went to school with. And they even talked about Tweek's life. It's safe to say they really hit it off. But then suddenly, they were at Craig's.

"So, this is your house?"
The demon boy asked.

"Yeah, it's still pretty messy. I'm not quite done getting everything moved in yet."
Craig responded, almost embarrassed.

"I get it, I'll let you get your rest. I'm pretty sure you need it after everything tonight. I'll see you around Craig."
Tweek smiled, waving a bit.

"Yeah, cya. I'll be sure to get lost in the woods again and find you."
He joked, unlocking his door.

  Only a second passed and Tweek disappeared. Immediately, Craig missed him. It was good to have made a new friend and have some company, even if he's a supernatural creature. And in all honesty, Craig doesn't think he has ever been happier than he is right now. Maybe getting lost in the woods isn't so bad.

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