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Stan was always the one that was impulsive and made stupid decisions and Kyle being the voice of reason, now the roles have reversed.

Kyle is bipolar, Stan does whatever he can to keep him from splitting.

Can be read as platonic or romantic style

Warnings: attempted overdose (nobody dies!!), bipolar disorder, mentions of suicide attempts, eating disorders, self harm.

  Nobody knows when it started. Kyle was always a hothead, everybody knew that. But, as he got older, he became more irritable, more controlled by his emotions and more mood swings. It went from yelling at Cartman to shut the fuck up to putting him in the hospital with a concussion and a broken nose for a week; just because Cartman called him a Jew.

  Everyone saw the fight coming but they didn't think it would be as gruesome or violent as it was. Kyle grabbed Eric's hair slammed his head on the hallway floor multiple times. Cartman ended up with a broken nose just from the first hit Kyle made, and he also lost a tooth. He was a bloody mess, bruises all over his face and on Kyle's knuckles.

  Kyle had no idea how to fight but he was naturally strong, that no doubt came from his mother's side of the family, and it was just his reflexes to scratch, punch or slap when it felt right. Nobody ever saw Kyle fight, so it was surprising when it randomly happened in the hallways during passing period, right before fifth period. It was even more shocking to see the damage he had done.

  And come to think about it, he's been doing many things out of character before that massive outburst. He started skipping some classes. No reason, just felt like it randomly. In the classes he did attend, he was caught throwing pieces of paper or sleeping. Usually, Kyle was on top of it, always participating, taking notes, paying attention. This sudden change didn't go unnoticed either, almost everyone saw his change in behavior. Stan, his best friend since pre school, was one of the first to notice. During their normal conversations, Kyle would just have a random outburst with a crazy idea.

"What if we snuck out one night and just never came back?"

"Let's go jump off a bridge and go swimming!"

"What would you do if I just got up and jumped off the roof of your house?"

"Wanna go ask your dad if he can sell me some weed?"

  As someone who knew Kyle for over ten years, he's never randomly had any impulsive thoughts. He always stayed away from trouble. The worst thing he's probably done was tipi the art teacher's house in the fourth grade, and he felt guilty about it afterwards. Stan was always the one that was impulsive and made stupid decisions and Kyle being the voice of reason, now the roles have reversed. It was now Stan or Kenny or whoever telling Kyle that whatever idea he had was stupid and he'd regret it later. But he never listened to their advice and opinions and after he'd be locking himself in his room for days; not even leaving the bed.

  Kyle's parents have gotten many phone calls about his sudden change in attitude and behavior. They assumed it was puberty and gave him a small talk about him needing to change his behavior. But after the call about the fight, Gerald and Sheila finally decided to take him to a psychiatrist, seeing as this was far from normal for their son.

  That's when he was diagnosed with bipolar, it was a shock to everyone; especially his closest friends. Stan, Wendy, Kenny, and some others told him that they would be there for him; trying to keep him stable. But all Kyle said in response was shut the fuck up and claimed how they didn't mean it, then he ghosted everyone for three days.

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