Sleeping Arrangements

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  Let me set the scene, Stan, Kyle, and Wendy have been dating for a few weeks and Wendy invited her boyfriends over for a sleepover. After a few hours of playing games, talking, and eating all the food in the kitchen, it was time for bed. But there was a problem, they didn't know how they were going to sleep, or if they all could even fit.

"Ok so, how should we do this?"
Wendy asked herself, putting her fingers to her chin.

"Is your bed even big enough to fit all of us?"
Stan wondered.

"Yeah, I'm sure it is. I, Bebe, and Heidi slept in it before. It was pretty comfortable."
She claimed.
"How do you guys normally sleep?"

"Kyle usually sleeps on his back with one arm across his stomach and the other arms all stretched out. Or he sleeps on his side."
The black haired boy responded.

"Well, you sleep on your back or your stomach with your arms and legs all sprawled out like a starfish. Your mouth is hanging wide open with drool."
Kyle recalled.

"What? I do not!"
Stan denied.

"And your sleep talk, snore. Not to mention you kick a lot in your sleep. I've gotten bruises before."
The redhead continued.

"Well, you sleep walk!"
He argued.

"I know. But at least I can admit to it. Every time someone tells you about some weird shit you say in your sleep you always say "no I didn't do that" and deny it. At least I'm well aware I sleep walk."
Kyle mocked.

Wendy sighed to herself.

"How do you sleep Wendy?"
Stan asked.

"On my side or my back."
She shrugged.
"With my blanket covering my face."

"I need something to cuddle with in my sleep."
The dark haired boy claimed.

"Yeah like me."
Kyle teased.

"It was one time!"
Stan yelled.

"Who wants to sleep in the middle?"
Wendy asked.

"I vote Stan."
The redhead said.

"What! Why not you?"
He asked.

"Because I'm claustrophobic. If I'm in a tight space, I'll feel like I won't be able to breathe and I'll get sick. You don't want that, do you?"
Kyle reasoned.

"Alright I'll sleep in the middle."
Stan mumbled in defeat.

"How about we change who sleeps in the middle every time. So this time, it's Stan, then next sleepover it'll be one of us and we can just keep rotating."
The noirette haired girl suggested.

"Yeah, I can work with that."
Kyle responded, yawning as he practically jumped on the bed, landing closest to the wall.

Stan dove onto the bed after him, lifting up the covers and both the boys sliding under them. Wendy rolled her eyes and sighed, sitting on the bed and sliding her legs under the covers.

"You're going to sleep already?"
She asked, seeing as Kyle already cuddled into Stan's side with his eyes closed.

The redhead hummed and nodded in response.
"I know right! He needs his little beauty sleep and can't stay up past midnight."
Stan said.

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