Argument {Requested}

546 7 9

Uhhhh they're older. Like 21 or older, they live together and yeah.

Warnings: slight mention of sexual assault/rape, alcoholism

  Stan walks through the door, leaning on the door frame for support, he takes a sip from his beer bottle. What time was it? Stan had no idea, he doesn't even know how he got home.

Stan asked, his voice louder than what he anticipated. It was obvious he was drunk, or at least a little bit intoxicated.

  He grumbled something under his breath when he didn't get a response. Stumbling up the stairs he looks around the house to find Kyle. Nowhere to be seen. Stan thought he would still be awake and watching tv or something.

  He walks into the bedroom, turning on the light and seeing Kyle asleep. The redhead turned and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey Kyle!"
Stan smiled, practically jumping on top of the taller boy.

"Stan? What the fuck? Go back to sleep."
Kyle muttered.
"And turn off the light."

"But Kyle! I don't want to sleep! I want to stay up with you!"
The dark haired boy slurred.

"Are you drunk?"
He asked, sitting up.

"No, no, no. I'm not drunk. I just want to hang out with you."
Stan claimed.

Kyle picks up the beer bottle Stan left on the floor, looking back at him.
"That's not mine."
Stan slurred, pushing the bottle away.

"I thought we talked about your drinking, did we not?"
Kyle said.

"I said that's not mineee!"
Stan exclaimed, falling into the bed.

"Oh really? Then who's is it? Because I know I haven't drank at all tonight!"
The redhead replied, getting out of bed and going to the kitchen.
"In fact, we don't even have any beer! You drank it all!"

"Ok maybe I drank a little but I'm working on it! I don't want to become an alcoholic! You know I don't want to be like my dad!"

"Mhm. Sure. You're already turning into him."
Kyle deadpanned, pouring the remains of beer into the sink before throwing the glass bottle in the trash.

"What? Are you serious? Do you even hear yourself?"
Stan asked. "I am nothing like him! I'm going to be better than what he ever was!"

"Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it!"

Stan didn't say anything, he just stood in the kitchen and stared at him.

"Look, I just want you to tone down on the drinking and-"

"I have! I have Kyle! I'm not going out right after work and getting totally wasted. I'm not sleeping on streets and puking everywhere! I'm not doing any stupid shit on the streets. I'm making progress and you can't even see it!"

"...You go out every Friday night with your coworkers."
Kyle started.
"You go out every Friday and you drink and you party. That leaves me to take care of you and your hangover in the morning. I wouldn't mind if it was like once a month or something. But it's every fucking week. That's the problem. I don't want you to quit drinking completely, but you need to stop going out every fucking weekend and enjoy some time home with your boyfriend and not be hungover."

"It's the way I bond with my coworkers! We go out for dinner as a group, get some pizza and drinks and that's that! Sometimes we go out clubbing and partying but what's so wrong about that?"
Stan argued.

"There's other ways to bond with your coworkers than just going out and drinking! And clubbing? Are you serious? If you're going to go out clubbing and parties with people you don't know, maybe you should take your boyfriend with you."

"Really? And why should I do that? What? Do you think I'm going to cheat on your or something?"

"You might! I never fucking know with you anymore!"
Kyle yelled.

Stan paused.
"Really? So you don't trust me? You really think I'm that much of a dick that you can't even fucking trust me. So, I'm really the asshole?"

"I didn't mean it like that! You're going out and you're drinking you don't fucking know what happens! In the morning I ask you how your night with your coworkers went and you always say you don't remember! You could be hooking up with other guys or girls! Some bitch could've taken you to an alley and raped you! You don't fucking know. I want to be there to protect you in case something happens!"

"So that's how it is? You think I can't protect myself? Ok. That's fine."
Stan said before walking back to the bedroom.

  Kyle follows him, despite being absolutely sick of his shit. He sees Stan throwing some random clothes into a bag and grabbing his keys and phone charger.

"Where the hell are you going?"
Kyle asked.

"I'm leaving. You're tired of me and I don't want to hear you give me another lecture. I'll probably stay with Kenny or maybe Cartman. I'll be back when I want to come back. Cya later Kyle."
Stan claimed, shoving him out the doorway and walking outside to his car.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're leaving over a fucking argument. You can't face the consequences of your own actions!"
The redhead yelled, only to be ignored by Stan.

Kyle walks outside, holding up the middle finger. "Ok then be like that. You're a fucking pussy! Just like your father! Bye Randy Marsh!"

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