Mama'a Boy [AO3 Request]

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This is like my most recent request and I like to try and do my older ones first but I don't got motivation to write for any of those right now so I'll try to get to them when I can but for now, enjoy this :)

This is honestly one of the easiest chapters I've ever written

  That was the thousandth time Stan's heard a knock on his bedroom door today. He knew who it was, but he didn't want to let anyone in his embarrassingly messing room; also, he hated when someone he cared about saw him like this. Hauled up in the corner of his dark room, dark bag eyes and greasy hair, not feeling like himself; almost out of body.

  Stan laid on his bed, facing the navy colored wall. He kept his hat on, being ashamed about his greasy black hair, even though he was the only one that has been in his room since yesterday; when this sudden wave of crippling depression started.

  After a moment of the knocking, he finally heard what he was dreading all day. "I'm coming in, Stanley." Then, Sharon swiftly opens the door and gently closes it behind her. She doesn't get mad when she sees the condition of his bedroom, she just steps over whatever she can and sits next to him on the bed. Sharon lays her hand on his back, rubbing it comfortably.

"What's got you like this, Stanley?"
She asked, her voice hushed; barely above a whisper. "Kyle told me he's been checking up on you and you've just been ghosting him. And you haven't left your room since last night."

"Kyle hasn't been checking up on me."
Stan replies, going silent afterwards and keeping his head turned away from her soft, worried gaze.

"He said he texted and called a few times, even asking you about it at school."
Sharon stated.

"I haven't looked at my phone."
He confirmed.
"And I just have a lot of extra time in science, and it gives me time to just...think, that's why I'm like this." He finally answers.

"And what do you like to think about?"
Sharon questioned.

"It's not what I like to think about, it's just shit. I rather not talk about it."
Stan replied.

"Alright, I won't force you to tell me anything you don't want to. Just know you can always talk to me." She smiled softly, snaking her hand under his hat and brushing through his hair, immediately removing her hand after feeling the grease.

Stan noticed and almost smiled, but it died down when he realized why she removed her hand from his hair.

"What do you do when you aren't listening to music?"
Sharon wondered, going back to rubbing his back and shoulder.

"Just lay here, watch Bojack Horseman or Shameless."
Stan said, shifting under the covers.

"What's that one artist you're always listening to?" She asked.

He responded.

"Nobody listens to Metallica when they're depressed, Stan!"
Randy yelled from in the hallway.

"No, that other guy."
Sharon claimed.

"Alex G?"
Stan wondered.

She exclaimed.
"Is his music any good? You seem to like him a lot."

"It's a band."
He deadpans.
"And yeah, I think their music's good. I don't think you'd like it though."

  Sharon thought for a moment, only staying silent. She wanted to talk but didn't want to trigger her son. But, it's better to know than to live in secret and finding out when it's too late.

"Have you relapsed lately?"
She finally asked.

"Depends. Relapsed in what?"
Stan wondered.

"In anything."
The light haired woman croaked out and clarified. That response scares her.

He plainly answered.
"Not yet at least."

She smiled, leaning down and kissing his cheek.
"I'm so proud of you, and I'll always be proud. You've come so far, baby."

Stan finally turns around to face her with a smile on his face.
"Thanks mom, I'm proud of you too."

"You think getting a divorce with you dad was the best thing to do? For you and Shelley?"
She asked.

"Yeah. Well, it's doesn't really matter for Shelley, she's off at college. But yeah, I think it's best for you. We get to finally move out of this dump next week." Stan smiled, his teeth now showing.

"Good, I didn't want to make it worse for you. Maybe if we moved back home, you would be happier. You get to see your friends more often and not be surrounded by marijuana twenty-four seven." Sharon stated.

"Yeah, I think so too."
Stan said.
"But we have to take some of it."

"Oh yeah, definitely."
She nodded.
"You think you can get out of bed? Maybe me and you can go out for a bit?"

Stan slowly sat up and nodded.
"Anything to get away from Randy for a bit."

"You should go get a shower first."
Sharon suggested.

"Yeahhhh, I'm sick of my hair being greasy."
He confirmed, getting out of bed for the first time today. He picks out an outfit, baggy jeans and a Metallica shirt, along with a new pair of boxers.

He was quickly in and out the shower, seemingly forgetting why he was ever depressed in the first place. Soon, he got his shoes on and they were out the house. First, they went out for lunch, then just going to random stores just to get away from Randy and being stuck in the same place for a bit. Then later, they picked up Stan's antidepressant pills and they went back home for the night. Stan went back to school the next day in a much better mood, actually talking with his friends instead of laying his head down all day. He felt happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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